Sunday, May 24, 2009


Merlin the Magician…and the One I know as a ‘White Light Being’…came in for a visit and conversation on Thursday the 21st of May. I am still in New Mexico staying at my dear friend and soul sister Denise’s beautiful home in the mountains east of Albuquerque. This particular conversation took place with just the three of us…Merlin, Denise, and myself. When I share these messages, I usually try to put them out so that the most people may be able to relate to what is said and find some resonance with the message, which means that I usually edit them to depersonalize them as much as possible. This means that I generally take out personal names and just include those who’ve been a part of the conversation as a ‘participant.’ I find with this particular message that I feel doing that would dilute the meaning of what was said too much, so with her permission, I am sharing that the third participant in this conversation was Denise, and I am also leaving in what was directed to me personally by Merlin. It is my hope that others will still be able to glean what relates to them personally and feel the magic that Merlin is desiring to assist us all in accessing and creating.

Two days before Merlin’s visit, I woke up with extreme soreness on my right side after having felt fine when I went to sleep the night before. I could not figure out what I might have done to myself physically that would account for this, but remembered that Denise had gone through a similar experience a while ago herself. She had eventually had it affirmed for her that she was etherically releasing an ancient spear wound, the very first one she had died from in a physical incarnation. And even though this releasing is being done on deep etheric levels, it is felt on the physical level in a very real and often painful way as well. Several hours after this session, I was sitting at my computer transcribing it when I took a deep breath and was suddenly absolutely catapulted out of my chair by the amount of pain I felt in my side. It felt as if my rib had caught on a muscle while I was expanding my lungs and ripped it open. Knowing what Merlin had said to me about it, I also realized that it felt exactly as if the tip of a sword was buried deep in my flesh and was being twisted. I realized that likely what was happening was that this ancient etheric wound had come to the surface in essence to be lanced, allowing the wound to drain energetically in order to then heal.

While I was shocked by the painful intensity of this experience and am still going through the healing process with it, I was reminded of having just read about the extreme experiences that both Barbara Rother and Celia Fenn recently went through and shared.

Barbara related her phantom death experience while on a layover at an airport in Germany on her way to Israel with her wonderful husband Steve, channeler of The Group (, in which she suddenly became so ill that she was taken from the airport on a stretcher to a waiting ambulance. She felt she nearly left this incarnation, but fortunately for all those who love her, myself included, she chose to stay and then began quickly recovering. Those who treated her medically were unable to tell her exactly what had caused her acute condition.

Celia ( was spreading her light and love on a trip to South America when a fish bone became lodged in her throat which she had to have surgically removed…by medical practitioners in a foreign country who spoke a different language than her own!

Both of these experiences by these incredibly beautiful women gave me much pause when I read about them, as they are each such shining examples to me of Divine Feminine embodiment in balanced human form. I realized that we are individually and collectively in the place on our journey to be nudged to go ever deeper and deeper within to release whatever density we may still be carrying in our etheric bodies, in whatever manner our own soul chooses as the most appropriate experience for physical release. Barbara’s and Celia’s willingness to share their own challenging physical experiences made it easier for me to get through my own, and I thank them for that!

Also mentioned in this conversation is Denise’s recent trip back to Ohio to visit her family. Prior to her leaving, we had a visit from several etheric friends who directed a very personal conversation to her. She was encouraged to visit the magical place of natural beauty that she had loved and spent much time at during her early years in Ohio. It was said that this was a place where she had energetically opened herself to interdimensional communication with other realms then, even though she was not consciously aware of it at the time…though she has also related experiences that she had there to me that were not easily understood on the human level. She was told that when she revisited this place, she would be reclaiming parts of her own energy that she had left behind there.

We decided that it would be fun to use a couple of the photographs that she took while there, a beautiful place called Glen Helen, located in Yellow Springs, Ohio, for this particular blog post. As she was pulling them up for me to choose which ones I liked, she mentioned that she was seeing a strange light and shifting of color in one photo that she wasn’t seeing in any of the others. As I looked at what she was pointing out to me, I immediately saw an image with a face in that one misty spot, and was certain that she had been blessed to capture the magic of an elemental on film. She has blown this part of the photo up so that each of you can have a look and decide for yourselves what you are seeing! And anyone interested in viewing more of her incredible photo art can visit her website:

Merlin has called this upcoming summer the ‘Summer of Magic.’ I am so ready for this myself, and wish each and every one of you magic beyond measure in your own experience of living!

~~~ Merlin: The Summer of Magic!

Thursday 5-21-09

Merlin: Greetings, my very dear friends! This is I Merlin coming in today to speak with you on what is occurring in the now. It is a time of much intensification of energy, and yet it is a much more subtle intensification than you have previously felt. Many of you, especially before the time of your spring equinox as you built up to your Easter time of this particular year, many of you were…what would you say?…whacked and flattened by the energies. This is slightly different. They are intensifying and yet you are not quite as aware of this…though when you have things like the pain in your side, Maureen, it is definitely showing you that things are going on. Many of you will be aware that you have reached the point where there is no let up. Some people become quite upset over this particular way of continuing your upgrade and feeling there will never be respite, there will never be down time. Yet that is not quite the way to look at it. What I would say to you is that you are in a phase now where I would compare what you are going through to the tide coming into the shore. You have this continuous motion, and while you do have the periods where the wave hits the shore, it then recedes for a bit. Now there is continual movement and continual momentum as you are building up to your high tide, and yet there are in breathes and out breaths.

And all of you who are going through this are willingly going through this. You have chosen this on the soul level…to keep the momentum building…because of the many, many potentials that are in front of you with your accelerated growth and expansion, with your upgrading in a way that allows so many of the things that have seemed to be out of your reach to come closer and closer to you. This is what this period is about.

It is a magical day, the 21st of May. There is an energy contained in this date and numerology that I will not delve very deeply into, just to say that there is an energy of spring here, for you here experiencing spring in the northern hemisphere, that contains magic. And autumn in the southern hemisphere contains magic as well, though in a slightly different way. You here in the north are heading towards your summer solstice now, just a month away. And I will say that you have the grand potential for this summer to be a summer of magic. Are you ready for this?

It is a time that has been spoken of in which the veil, as you have known it, has definitely become thinner and thinner and thinner. It is something that has been said to you previously…it truly only is a belief system. When you release your belief system in the veil, you will find it is not there. You will find that you have the ability to traverse the many other dimensions besides just the one you are residing in in your physical space and physical reality here as a human on earth. There is a building of momentum that is occurring, not just with those of you who have been on this journey, but with the many from the other dimensions who very much desire to interact with you…to merge dimensions…to meld your experiences to where, you who have been, oh specifically of the 3rd dimension, are able to partake of experiences with those who are not living in this reality. This is where there has been an increased interest in these other realms. Many have synchronicitously found themselves opening to the fairies and the elementals as you call them, to the leprechauns, to those who are residing in realms and dimensions that are not as concrete (laughter) and I laugh when I say that because you see concrete is a very dense material. Your 3d reality is a very dense reality. All of you who are upon this journey, who are opening up to bringing in your Divine Selves into your Human selves, what you are doing, as you know, is paving the way for your light body transformation to occur…for you to release the density that you have been living in in your physical mass, to allow in that lightness, that etheric transparency that many in other realms are quite familiar with, that is their way of living. This has been done previously in the human realm, this mixing, this intermingling, but it has been a very long time since this has been a way of life…to not only acknowledge the other realms that exist, but to choose to interact with these other realms.

Now you who are sitting here today have experience with this, as do many others, and yet it is experience that has been long forgotten in this particular incarnation that you are living, because it has been many incarnations since you have done this. And yet, you are in the place yourselves where focus on…focus on the magic, focus on the experimentation…will be a grand catalyst towards opening to these experiences once again.

I am well aware that many times frustration occurs when so many of you read of all the potentials and then you feel as if nothing is happening, yet I would tell you that you have moved yourselves so far in this reclamation of the all of who you are, of your understanding of your desire to expand, that you are indeed poised…and I would say that this has the potential to be a summer like no other that you remember in your near memory of what you have experienced, at least not in this lifetime. You will find that with nurturing of this expansion of your previous belief systems that you will tap into soul level remembrances, cellular level experiences that you have had previously that, once accessed, will make your expansion in the now so much smoother, so much easier, so much faster than it would be. This is indeed part of what meeting ‘your Selves’ is about…reclaiming other parts of who you are on the soul level. For all of them wish to come in and dance with you, play with you, yes…but all of them wish to come in and be integrated with who you are as these wondrous Divine Human beings.

Now what may I say to you as you take this in? Or what other subjects may be on your mind to discuss in this now moment?

Denise: You’ve got to tell Maureen about what’s going on with her side!

Merlin: I will say that this is indeed part of the releasing of density, as you are aware. And I will say that it is not necessary for you to bring up the absolute memory, absolute recall of what happened…ahh, and you are feeling this even as I am speaking these words…Maureen is finding a lessening of what she has been feeling, are you not, Maureen?

Maureen: Yes, I am. I feel a bit of a shifting.

Merlin: I will say that while you, Denise, have wonderful recall of energetic packets of what you have shared that are quite true…do not doubt yourself for what you bring to the surface…I will say that this specific sensation Maureen is feeling in the now is not a spear wound as you have previously experienced. It is a sword wound. And I would say that it has to do with the Merlin energies, with the Camelot energies, with the Arthur energies, with all of this bridging of dimensional realities. Each of you has bridged dimensions in many of your experiences. Now you, dear friend Denise, when you experienced what you were experiencing previously, you had just bridged the dimension of your first lifetime on Earth in coming from the star realms. It was a challenge, to be sure, to immerse yourself in the density, and that was a piece of what needed to be released for you…the energetic imprint of a wounding in density that you had never experienced before. Do you understand this?

Denise: Yes. Very much.

Merlin: How much to say to you, Maureen…how much to say? For you it is slightly different, though you have had other experiences along those lines. As I have said, you do not need to know all of the particulars. What I will say is that what you are releasing in the now…which was a sword wound…occurred when you were not completely immersed in density. It was, my dear, a time when you were aware of…oh the mists of Avalon…where you were aware of magic…where you were a weaver of magic.

You were one who could indeed go back and forth between the realms, between the dimensions. Now this should not be a complete surprise to you since this is what you are doing in your now. You are meeting me in another dimension and you are bringing back my energy, flowing it into words in your dimension here, where you are hearing this with human ears. During a lifetime when you were able to transcend the dimensions, you were wounded and you died from this wound in your human reality, but it was not…it was not completely a human wound. Hmmmmm. How to explain this?…to say that it was magic, magic that had been used in what you would term the black magic sense? You were a powerful sorceress, my dear…sorceress though in the white magic sense of the word. You carried the feminine Merlin energies with you. Much as you have experienced in this lifetime when you are beyond where others are, there is often jealousy, there is resentment, there is fear. This is what wounded you. This is what you are in your now being asked to energetically not only release, but balance…balance within your energy field the experience that you have continued to carry energetically. When you can balance this energetic experience, you will find that it is far easier for you to recall the magician powers, not only that you have known in the past, but that you know in your now yet which have been suppressed by your agreeing to come in to mass consciousness belief systems, and you are an example of this that you can show to others for many, many others have had similar experiences.

Those who you are used to interacting with in the now may not be open to what you have to share of this, but I would say that, oh much as the book you are reading now (Summer with the Leprechauns by Tanis Helliwell) was experienced 10 years before it was written, you will find that as you continue into your future, there is much for you to share with the many who will be resonant with what you have to share…because there will be many who will come, who will honor the wisdom and honor the experience that you have and will be delighted to share it with you.

You are at a crossroads. There will not be many who will continue this same journey with you, for as has been expressed, it takes courage to continue going beyond…where others have not been before. And so allow…allow…allow…and cultivate…cultivate the inner…what is the right word?…simply say, the remembering. Cultivate your own remembering. You have the ability to connect…and I am speaking now to the many who would listen to this and desire it…you have the ability to connect with the knowledge that is innately contained within your DNA. It is only a belief system that has caused you to forget…to allow yourselves to forget. It is safe to come out now. It is safe to remember. This is what I come in today to encourage you to do! Continue to explore these magical realms, for there is much to be experienced, and you are desiring this experience. And this is why you are hearing this…why you are in the place that you are in in your own now.

Now, what more may I say?

Denise: I returned from my road trip to Ohio. Any perspective that you might like to offer on my road trip?

Merlin: You drive very fast! (laughter)

Denise: I didn’t drive that fast this trip! (laughter)

Merlin: And you had much company!

Denise: Yes, there was a party! (laughter)

Merlin: You have a wonderful entourage. I believe we have used that word previously. You have an entourage of…oh I will not even say angelic beings, though there are many angels included. You have an entourage of multidimensional beings who very much enjoy your company, who love to work with you, and who are delighted to have fun with you in the way that you do have fun. There are some of us who love to let the breeze blow through our etheric hair riding in your little red convertible! (laughter)

Denise: I even let St Germain drive…just a little bit! (laughter)

Merlin: He will be very happy to speak with you about this soon. Not today, but very soon! (laughter) Wonderful experience!

But I would say that you are coming home more whole than when you left. Do you need me to explain this or do you understand what I am saying?

Denise: Yes, I understand what you’re saying.

Merlin: You did have etheric company come in and speak to you just before you took off on this road trip. How do you feel that what was said to you has played out with your experience? How do you feel about coming home from this trip?

Denise: Well, I do feel like I did sort of retrieve some pieces…and I had a great time in fact being there (Glen Helen)…actually twice…having a photo shoot with my brother. It was a lot of fun, and I think and feel that that kind of took my relationship with my brother to a different level. Its certainly very green, and lots of water. I feel all kinds of lightness about the place that I remember from my youth. So I would say…you know, it was really pretty and I got to see some of the places that I really wanted to see while I was there.

Merlin: Wonderful! I would say to you that in your own reclaiming of energetic parts of self that had been previously spoken to you about…that in your doing that…what you allowed to happen with your brother was that you have now assisted in seeding him with these other dimensional energies. Now do not have expectations of what this will mean or how he will change because of it or what might come about…but you have interacted with him where he is in a place of receptivity to what you have had to offer him…even if he is not consciously aware of this. He is energetically receptive.

And I am going to do a quick aside here (to Maureen)…and bring it up and say that this is the same place that others are in who will be attending the group gathering you have been contemplating participating in, and this is why you are being encouraged to consider attending…for while these others may not recognize what is happening consciously, there is the grand potential for, not quite the same kind of seeding, but something similar to occur.

But yes my dear (to Denise), you have picked up energies that were not just your energies left behind, but were portals of energy that connect you to the star realms from whence you come, for indeed you are connected to quite a number of them from your experiences prior to your first incarnation on Earth, and certainly prior to this particular incarnation…and so you have…you have expanded your aura. It is quite beautiful to see the additional colors that are now sparkling and twinkling through your light body that is becoming more and more prominent within your physical body. And it may not be immediate, and yet what you are shining in the energy of the light that you have added, and in the frequency and vibration of what you have picked up, is going to act as your transmitter and receiver for expanded experiences. And you will find that when you are spending more time alone here, which I laugh when I say that because…you are never alone my dear! But when you are spending more time alone in the physical, you have grand potential for many experiences that go beyond what you have had before, as a result of what you have energetically brought back with you. Does this make sense to you, my dear?

Denise: Oh yes, very much so. Maureen and I have been talking about experimenting.

Merlin: And I would encourage you to suspend your disbelief even more this summer. For you see, you have this potential to experience other realms in this summer of magic in a way that you have not previously been able to do. You have been very welcoming of all of the nature spirits. You are ones who love and honor dear Gaia and all of the elementals who live upon her. You have not been blessed with the type of interaction that you can relate to your physicalness…that you can see. We have spoken before that physical eyes are not necessarily what will open you to visions beyond this dimension. You must develop your interdimensional eyes. This is the experimentation that will assist in your expansion of experiencing what goes beyond what you have experienced before. I would encourage you to immerse yourselves, in whatever ways feel appropriate to you, in magic! Immerse yourselves in things that are beyond the 3D reality and experience. This book on the leprechauns has been a wonderful starting place for it has assisted in the opening to greater possibilities.

When you are so lovingly caring for this land…speak to those who are sharing this space with you, and there are many. Become peaceful, and allow yourself from your place of peace to invite in interactions. I know you have done this before, but you have not been in the energetic space previously that you are in now…vibrationally…frequency-wise. Have no expectations. That is a main tenant of the new energy. And yet, anticipate experiences that go beyond what is considered normal. You are very good at that! You have spoken about woo woo (laughter) and it is the willing suspension of disbelief. As you continue your willing suspension of disbelief, indeed you open the flood gates for more and more experiences that go beyond what you have considered to be normal in the past.

What more may I say to you about this?

Denise: Well I appreciate very much the perspective and I look forward to that anticipation of playing with the energies, with no expectations. I want to create a wall of silence between me and my next door neighbor so that I’m not disturbed by the noise that comes from there, and I really feel I can do it.

Merlin: I would encourage you, dear one, to work directly with me on this. You are used to the gift of this voice that is able to translate energies in this manner for conversation, and it is a wonderful gift, and yet you do have the ability, as you know, to interact one on one with me and I would be delighted to assist in your experimentation with this particular sort of magic. So I encourage you to invite me to do this.

Denise: Well thank you very much! I will certainly do that. It should be fun! (laughter)

Merlin: You are very welcome! You see that is the second key. The first key is to suspend the disbelief. The second key is to have a good time with it…to have fun…to be joyful…to not take yourself too seriously…for serious energy is heavy energy and you need lightness. Joy is a very light energy. Laughter is a very light energy. Focus on these twinkling, delightful energies of joy and laughter and you will find that the lightness assists you in what you are desiring to accomplish in your experimentation.

Denise: I like that! (laughter)

Merlin: I’m very happy! (laughter)

Denise: Thank you, thank you!

Merlin: Now I would like to go back to you for a minute, Maureen, with this sword wound that you have been feeling physically, that is etheric in nature. It is very deep within your etheric body, which is why it is coming to the surface now for it is the time when all of these old wounds are being brought to the surface for releasing. I would like to direct you back to your first interdimensional experience that you have spoken of with others, that as you recall happened when you were with friends and you went to the Jemez mountains for the day. You were indeed traversing the dimensions in a way that you had never done before, in a way that was a bit scary to you and those with you, for you were gone from your body and that was recognized by all, and no one was sure if you would be coming back into it.

But, what did you find when you were there in those mountains? You went out walking, trying to ground yourself, in your bare feet on earth that was not receptive to bare skin! (laughter) You went walking and you found this stone. What did you call this stone?

Maureen: Yes. The Camelot stone. There were so many different amazingly beautiful gemstones embedded in that one large boulder that it seemed so magical to me. It reminded me of the kind of stone that Excalibur might have been buried in.

Merlin: That was no accident, my dear friend. It was a part of the intersecting of dimensions that you were experiencing. You are an adept at traversing the dimensions, and you have just forgotten. You have all of the knowledge of the priestesses of Avalon…oh, sorceress yes, but that so often has a bad connotation…but indeed you have used this knowledge in good ways, you have used it in positive ways…you have been a carrier of the sword of the light. It was the sword of the dark that has cut through your flesh in the past. It is a merging and a melding time now. It is a balancing time. I wish to come in today to very much encourage you to allow yourself to focus once again on this magical realm that is quite familiar to you. It is not fully of this dimension. It is a bridging dimensional place. Yet what you desire, what you seek to be able to do, you have knowledge of already. You know how to do this.

I would encourage you to continue your connections with those who speak to your heart and your remembering. There is one Tobias has spoken of as also having been a priestess of Avalon with you. I would encourage you to continue your connection with this one. You will act as catalysts for each other with the energetic keys you are each carrying. So I would encourage this nurturing of friendship, sisterhood, and relationship with each other. You both have shared several lifetimes as priestesses of Avalon. And there are others you will begin recognizing as well. Follow your heart when you do have these recognitions of each other.

You have had other experiences in the Camelot realms. You have been masculine as well as feminine, and yet what you are desiring to access in the now is definitely of the feminine. It is what is hidden. It is the moon energy of the magic of the feminine. And I would say that this is what there is an unconscious opening to receptivity to in others that I have spoken of earlier in our conversation today.

Always when you are true to yourself, when you follow your own inner guidance, and when you continue to live from your place of joy, you touch others more than you will ever know consciously as a human. Others are blessed by your presence. In the now, much is connected to these Camelot energies. And this is what is occurring in your physical body in the now, it is once again opening to interdimensionality and remembering! Please continue!

There is much energy being imparted to you today. I am bringing in a soothing energy. I am imparting to you a magical energy that should not be as jolting as some of the energies that have been infused into you previously have been! Allow yourselves to feel the lightness of this energy, for it is joy and laughter energy. It is also an energy that will assist you in suspending any of the remaining bits of disbelief. Once you can release all of your disbelief, you will find…oh, what is that human phrase?…the sky’s the limit? (laughter) You will find that even the sky does not limit you. There is so much to come!

So breathe it in. Feel it coursing through your veins…beating through your heart. It is the Merlin energy. It is a sacred energy indeed, and yet it is also a merry energy…m-e-r-r-y energy…a merry, bubbling energy of delightfulness! I wish to work with you. I wish to work with many, many…all those who desire to work with me…indeed put this out here. Put it out to those who would like to hear this. This is the Summer of Magic! It is the summer of Merlin being present to you and part of your experience…taking your hand and leading you to this melding of magical realities with your own human reality that previously has been quite dense, but you are moving beyond the density and this is indeed what will foster and facilitate the magic of your experience. It is time!

Denise: I laugh when you say this is the ‘Summer of Magic’ ‘cause it brought to mind the old sixties term of the ‘Summer of Love‘…so let’s dedicate this to being the ‘Summer of Magic.’ I like that!

Merlin: Indeed. And spread it around! Like the love!

I will humanly toast this through Maureen…(laughter and clink of glasses)

Mead! I like mead! (laughter)

I will say that’s enough for this now moment…but take that with you. Feel the lightness of it…and know that it is yours to create…the invitation for this to be the Summer of Magic…that is what will bring it forth.

You are so dearly loved. You are never alone. And I am very much excited to be working with you in this way of magic!

And so it is! Aloha! ~ ~ ~

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cmdr Frodo, Babaji & St Germain

I have been absolutely amazed at how fast time has been going by of late, and these past few weeks have been no exception to the days just speeding by me. I have been enjoying being ‘Home’ in New Mexico for the last 3+ weeks, and in my now am writing these words surrounded by a panoramic view of incredible beauty from the Paradise that is my dear friend Denise’s sanctuary here in the mountains east of Albuquerque. It is a true delight that this soul sister of mine continually has the welcome mat out for me whenever I am able to come join her here, and I am always refreshed and renewed by such a visit. It is a wonderful base from which to make jaunts into Albuquerque to spend time with my 3 children living there, while not needing to constantly put up with the noise and congested energies of the city. Last week I delighted in celebrating my son Patrick’s 26th birthday with him, and getting together for Mother’s Day at my daughter Erin’s new light, bright and cheery apartment home on Sunday, where my son Tim provided us all with an excellent meal and we talked and laughed with each other for hours.

I have been surrendering with wild abandon to the joy of the now moment…moment after moment after moment! And this indeed seems to be the way of new energy living!

As such, I would like to thank all of you who have written me personal emails, and tell you how much I enjoy reading each and every one of them. I am awed by the heart connection I feel with so many ‘Family’ members who are residing in diverse places around this beautiful planet we share. What a true wonder the internet is that we can connect and share energetically with each other in this way, wherever we are geographically located! It is always my intention to respond to each email in as timely a manner as possible, and yet these past few months have been so busy and full for me that I am finding I am continuously far behind on keeping up with this intention. So if you have written to me and not received a response, please know it has much more to do with how fast the hours in a day go by in the now than anything else! I will be back with my partner Ziggy in his Paradise home in Alberta in another few weeks, where things are peaceful and life moves at a much slower pace for me than it does when I am in the Land of Enchantment, reconnecting with all of the people and places here that I love. I am joyfully anticipating the energetic shift in my own focus that will occur when that happens!

The session I am sharing today took place on Sunday, April 26, when our dear friend from Sirius, whom we have been calling Commander Frodo since he first invited us to name him anything we wanted to (he has said his ‘real’ energetic name cannot be translated into an Earth language), dropped by and was accompanied by Babaji and St Germain. ‘Gleep Gleep’ is another bit of humor, as Cmdr Frodo has told us that this is what one Sirian greeting would most closely sound like in English, and we enjoy using this ourselves now as a greeting that makes us smile.

So, here is the conversation that transpired. Enjoy! And Gleep Gleep!

~ ~ ~ Sunday April 26, 2009

Commander Frodo: Gleep Gleep!

Good Morning my dear friends! Oh, yes! What a pleasure to be with you, and yes, as you are aware there are many beings present here in your wonderful abode in this amazingly potent and powerful portal. And indeed we have been holding back a bit, just allowing the melding and merging of energies. It is becoming less important to speak in words as it is for you to feel the energies. So you see it is fun to come in and have these conversations, and yet these conversations are not quite as important as simply our being together energetically. And this is always possible. This is something that is ongoing even when you are not consciously focused upon our connection and our energies intermingling, and yet when you focus on it you are able quite easily to tune in and bring in the energies of all of us who indeed are close at hand and loving you. And I would say we have quite the medley of nonphysical beings with us this morning. St Germain is here. Babaji is also present. You know Babaji and I are very good friends. Babaji has this strong connection to Sirius as well…and many of ‘The Collective’ are here also. You are tapping into dimensions, universes, indeed, that you have not previously done in this lifetime, in many lifetimes, and there is, as is always said, so much excitement about this from our realms as well as from yours, which is why so many choose to gather around you.

My, my, my! It is so delightful to see the progression of consciousness that is occurring in those of you who are connected to us and aware of this and who seek this, for things have changed quite a bit from the early days of channeling, from the early days of messages coming from beyond the mere human 3D realm. You are on the forefront of knowing that your answers will never come from outside of self. This has been said over and over and yet, many still do look outside of self. You are the pioneers who are leading the expansion of consciousness. You are living it. Many are able to grasp this in their mental capacities, yet are not able to truly live it.

I would like to share that as you continue your further expansion of living this consciousness that you have stretched so much…that you are allowing to encompass far more than the vast majority of humans are yet able to do…that you do indeed open yourselves to new experiences that again as we have said in many previous conversations and many others have said as well, have not been in the range even of your imagination. It is a good time to truly move beyond where you have been in the past…how you have thought in the past…how you have acted in the past…even how you have imagined in the past. It is time to expand the scope of your own imaginings. There are many who know how connected they are to so many of the star realms. This is why indeed I am in speaking with you today. As you know I am from the realm of Sirius. Of course I expand beyond that realm, but the part of me that you are most connecting with in your now moment is Sirian by nature. Maureen, you connect far more to the Sirian aspect of Babaji than you ever have to the aspects that were human. And indeed his name on Sirius is not Babaji! (laughter) And yet, a dear one, a friend of yours and mine penned that phrase, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” We do not need the word name. It is that energetic recognition that allows you to be aware of whose energy you are connecting with, and there are many, many of us who occupy more than one realm, more than one dimension, as you yourselves do. It has been said to you many times there is a part of you…of so many of you, that is actively experiencing a reality on the dimensions and realm of the star Sirius in the now. You are getting closer and closer to actually meeting this aspect of Self and this is part of the excitement for this truly has not been done before in this manner.

There are many other experiences of the universal realms and all the dimensions in which there has been intersecting that you are not aware of and that you do not need to be aware of. All you need to be aware of is your own experience in the now as you open to new realms of possibilities. There are many. There are many potentials, and it is exciting. And yes, it is about fun. It is about love. It is about joy. It is about enjoying and partying with each other. And yet, you have come in with soul purpose. Many who are channeling in the now will tell you …you are done! You do not need to do anything more except enjoy yourselves. There is truth to this. Again, this has been said to you...when you live your passion, when you are following your joy, you are in alignment with your own soul purpose. This is why you are here, for you did indeed come in with a purpose in mind and there were many contingency plans, and many of you have moved beyond the vast majority of those contingency plans. This is what the new energy is. It was not felt that at this time it was likely that you would get to this place, but you have. This is why there is such joy in the many other realms.

I will be available for much more time together. As you know, I am here frequently. But I am going to allow Babaji to flow through. He has not flown through…flown through (laughter)..that’s a good one!…he has not flowed through or flown through in this manner (laughter)…in quite a bit of time. So take a deep breath, and let us allow Babaji to flow some energy in conversation.

Babaji: Greetings Beloveds! It has been a while since I have been present to you in this manner…since I have flowed energy, shared energy with you in this way. And it is quite pleasant to do so.

Today I bring the reminder of living with lightness of spirit and heart, and to simply allow all to be as it is. I do wish to bring your attention and your focus to where you are. There is great connectivity in the experience that many of you have had and are having, even if you are not always experiencing similarly in your human 3D lives. You are opening to new connections, new communications with others that have not been present in your reality previously, and this will continue. You will find that as you yourselves have honed your own focus, you have moved towards a greater understanding of living in this way that goes beyond what you have ever experienced before. I will call it the way of expanded consciousness rather than the way of new energy, for there will always be further expansion of consciousness and indeed when you speak of new energy and old energy as has been done so much previously, it again sets up a bit of duality energy as to which is which. It is simply continued further expansion of consciousness. You are expanding your own consciousness in your manner of experiencing life and living, so many of you who are tuned in and connected and resonant to a conversation such as this. This expansion has not always been easy, as you are well aware…to live in this experience of being a human in this 3rd dimensional realm as you continue expanding your consciousness. It becomes a challenge at times to remain focused in the physical human realm. And this is the dance you are doing in your now…to continue allowing your consciousness to expand while you allow your bodies to come along with you. This has been what has been taking place for many in the now…your bodies are attempting to do the transitioning…to do the upgrading…to do the remembering within your DNA to bring you as the Divine Humans you are, as the melded beings that you are who are encompassing more than one dimension at once…to bring you to the place of allowing this to happen.

There will be many more interesting experiences for you. I assure you of this. And yet you have come as far as you have. You are still here. You are allowing your human vessels to expand also as your consciousness expands. You are well on your way in this transformational process of opening your very cells to allow in more light. Indeed you are Shining Ones, you who I speak with, you who resonate with me. And in order to bring the Shining Beingness of these other expanded parts of soul Self into your human form you must expand your physical bodies. You are doing this.

Our dear friend Commander Frodo has mentioned soul purpose. I will touch on this also, and I will say that none of you are yet fully aware consciously of the soul purpose that you have come in with because it was not thought you would get this far in this game of planet Earth playing with bringing more divinity into human form. So you see all of the rules of the old way of living have changed. Many are still trying to live by them and play by them, and by doing so, they will not get far in the game. This is where you must be aware that it is time for entirely new rules, which as has been said are ‘no rules.’ It is about following your inner guidance. It is following the inspirations and nudging of your heart. And it is knowing that you have the ability and capability to create in manners that you have not previously done before. This is the place you are perched in and poised in in your now moment. For you see, what you are choosing to expand into you cannot create in the same manner that you have previously in your past, for you have moved beyond the level of play in the human 3D world that you have played in in the past. You are in a whole new realm with all new parameters. It is important for you to completely allow yourselves the experience of creating without ties to how you have done this in the past. This is a challenge when you are in a transitional state such as the one that you are in in this now time, now moment. It is entirely new. You are creating, you are giving birth to new ways of creating, and this is not always the easiest of things to do, but you have done it before, though certainly in different experiences and in different dimensions. That is very present within you…your own soul knowingness of this. And so you see, I wish to encourage you to keep tuning in, deeper and deeper within yourselves, for you will find that there is a knowing of soul purpose that will guide you, and that is not something that you can ever fail at. It is not something that you can ever miss the boat with. It is something that if you continue to move forward, following your passion and your joy, you will find that you will expand in ways that you can’t even imagine. That is what I wish to say to you in the now.

Do you have comments or questions on this?

Participant: I would say what you have spoken of resonates very well with me. As you know I’m in the middle of a transition in the physical context of I am going to be leaving my oxymoronic job soon and I’m in a comfortable space with all of it. I mean it. I’m feeling really good about it. Its nice that I have a period of time to ease into that transition and I just…you know…there’s an inner calmness that I probably would not have had 10 years ago in similar circumstances, so I’m feeling fine about it. (laughter)

B: This is a good thing indeed. You are doing quite well with the human experiences that are being lived in your life in the now with the transitional creating that you are doing. I would encourage you to continue to let go of looking to the past for how to create in the future. You are doing well with this and I would just encourage you to keep at it and keep with it for, from my perspective, from my vantage point of being able to view this, I would say that you have set a course for yourself that is far beyond anything that you can imagine. And I wish to be part of your cheering squad as you go along with this, and encourage you not to allow the considerations of human living to impede you in your progress, for you are coming into this empowerment of your own divinity of being able to create whatever is needed next, though you may not consciously be aware of what it is. You are creating or will be creating what will meet the need that you are used to looking at in 3D. Does this make sense to you? Do you understand what I am saying?

Participant: Yes, I understand what you’re saying. It’s the basic thing about how to keep the mortgage paid, or those kinds of basic things. And I’m not worried about that either. (laughter)

B: Well this is good. And I would say that there is the potential for you to be expanding into a place where you do not need to be concerned about mortgage payments ever again. It is part of the 3D human field of living. You have not completely moved beyond it as of yet, and yet there is a very expansive potential of living that does not need to take any of that into account. This is what I say not just to you, but to all who are bridging the dimensions of this human 3D reality and where you are going, what you are desiring to expand into. There will be many changes coming and as these changes come…and I mean overall in the world the things that have been mentioned to you and spoken of by others…as you bring back technologies you have known previously, as you expand into taking some of the things you have known previously beyond where they have ever been before, there will be a great deal of change that comes about in the world. It may well be change that brings about chaos for the many. It may well be change that stresses to the max many who are completely living in 3D. You have already seen the beginnings of this. You are seeing this in action now, but for those of you who are well grounded in your own interdimensionality, who know that there is more to this life you are living in the now than merely 3D, there are opportunities to expand your experience of living in ways that you have never even dreamed of. And this is where those of us who are working with you do desire to be close at hand. We know that you are used to us being here to party with you and share interdimensional living and experiencing with you. But we wish you to also know that we are doing what we can from our own dimensional realms to assist, to smooth the way. We cannot do it for you. But we can offer resonant energies that assist the process, and that is what I come through today to share with you, to tell you. And with that I will say that St Germain is very present and would like to come in and speak to you also in this manner.

Is there anything else you would like to say to me before I depart for this now moment?

Participant: Thank you very much! That’s what I would like to say. Thank you very much. We love you very much. Its nice to have your energy. Its been a while for me personally connecting with you, as I’ve not been in the same time space continuum with you since…

B: And remember the time space continuum does not reach into my reality! Yes, yes, yes, we are always present to each other and that is something delightful that you will be becoming more and more aware of. I am indeed a dear friend and someone who loves to come in in this manner and share this experience.

In this now moment before I do depart…I would direct a bit more to several of you, one in particular who is in her now wondering what comes next, who is living her experience in a manner that is very much in the now moment in a way that perhaps previously she had not been able to. And I wish for you to share with her that she is perfectly aligned with her own soul path, even though it continues to give her a bit of frustration that she has no idea what that might be. But she is burning off much of the density of the reality of physical living that has been appropriate to her earlier experience of life on this planet in this particular incarnation, and yet the more she burns off, the more she will be ready to leap into this next cycle of living when all is appropriately aligned for it. I would say to her that it is most important to continue this process of living in each now moment. All of you are going to be finding that it is impossible to plan ahead in the manner that you have been used to in the past and this is a good thing. It is most appropriate. You will find that you are much closer to the ‘poofing’ and the time travel and the teleporting that you are so desiring when you release the density of your everyday experiences of human living. So tell my dear friend ___ that the more she allows this to burn off, the closer she is bringing herself to this moment of pure remembering of what is so innately a part of her being. It is for each of you in a different way and different manner.

I would say you are moving yourselves towards this ability to just let go to allowing your soul Self to direct you in these experiences that go beyond the human. It does not need to be as challenging as it has been. You will find that when you are in the place of releasing the hold that the world around you has had on you, you put yourselves into a more resonant place with the experiences that you are desiring to expand into being able to occur.

You will find that as you continue to follow your passion…as you are getting better and better at doing…without effort you will tap into what is waiting in your own DNA to be brought to the surface to be released. So I would encourage you to continue in this manner. I would encourage you to continue following all of the pathways that bring you joy. And you are very adept at knowing what is right for you, what works for you, and what doesn’t. I would encourage you to continue in this for there are many potentials in front of you that will certainly excite you…that indeed are things that will bring you joy as you expand into them. You are here with great reason and great purpose for this particular lifetime and it is approaching for you and for all who hear me as I speak this message today.

That is as much as I need to say and I will simply impart a bit of energy lovingly so, and tell you I will be close at hand and be happy to come and converse again whenever it aligns. And with that there is one more who does indeed desire to come in this morning.

SG: And…Yes! It is I…your dear friend St Germain! It is fun to share with each of you the connection that is so personal and intimate between us…and that is not dependent on anyone else’s connection. And so I come in today to say you are my very dear and very close friends.

Participant: We had a good time together, didn’t we? (laughter)

SG: And there are still many more good times to come!

You see, its barely been a heartbeat since we have last spoken in this manner. And yet in your world, in your realm, in your dimension, it feels as if all this time has gone by, and yet for me, it is but a heartbeat beyond our last connection…for you it perhaps feels a bit longer. I wish to say that I am as happy and thrilled as ever that we do share this connection. It is fun to play together in the experience of living.

I wish to focus for a moment on the subject of soul family connections. Of course all are connected but some of you have simply had more experiences with each other and you are here with more cohesiveness of soul purpose than others may share with you.

There has been a purpose served in connecting with each other as a group, though many will find now that the groups they have been connected with are transitioning also. You are going to find that it is a launching off point for many as this particular cycle of some groups comes to a close and a conclusion. Purpose has been served. Many have been touched. Many have indeed used these as stepping stones to progress, to move forward in their own expansion, and so there are wonderful things to be said about what this experience with these groups has been. And yet I have said this to you before, do not hold yourselves back. Sometimes a group dynamic is not supportive of individual continued growth and expansion, particularly when one has expanded beyond where the majority of the rest of the group‘s experience is. When you have gone as far as you can go with others in a group setting, it is time to move on. There will always be more ‘others’ and new groups to continue expanding with if one desires the company. But always remember that as a sovereign being, your growth and expansion is not dependent on any besides Self!

And so from there I will move on and say that your cohesiveness of soul purpose will be mapped out for you. The people who will be the ones to share these new experiences of living with you will show up in your lives. There are many, many new souls ready to connect with you that you were not even aware were alive previously in this experience of your particular incarnation. They are there and you will find that it is your own frequency of purity of the light that shines from within you that attracts to you the others around you who are of like frequency. And those of you with like frequency have come in with similar purpose.

For many, the groups you have been involved in were the vehicle for you to connect with each other in this lifetime. But you see you are going to find that as you continue to expand into living with this new consciousness…and I will honour what Babaji has said of the duality of old and new…it is just continuing expansion, always. You will find that what has served in the past and what has played a prominent role in your previous experiencing may no longer serve. You will find that there is the strong potential that what has been of great importance to you previously will have very little bearing and very little influence on where you are going in your new experiencing and what you are now choosing. Others may find this true for themselves as well, and there will be those who will be drawn to you, others who will be in resonance with you, others who you will find are a part of this cohesive soul purpose that you are here to live and experience. You see, you are realizing it is time to expand beyond where you have been.

(To participant leaving job) To you, I would reiterate a bit of what Babaji has said…that I can see as a dear friend of yours that while you have let go of much of the trying to figure it out in the 3D, you are still looking through 3D eyes, even while expanding. So I would encourage you to perhaps play a bit in these next few months of your continuing to have this employment and to have the security of what the paycheck offers. Play with imagination. You are scientific in your approach. We have spoken of this previously and there is much of value in the scientific approach and the use of the left brain in intelligence. But I would encourage you and say it would benefit you to play with imagining different scenarios in your life that go beyond what you can see and envision right now. The more you play with your imagination, the more you…

….outrageous…you know I like the word outrageous…

…the more you outrageously allow yourself to come up with scenarios that are completely different than anything you have ever imagined before…the more you align yourself with potentials that are beyond what you can imagine in 3D. Do you understand this?

Participant: Yes, I do. And right now I really appreciate what you’ve said because I’m in this conundrum.…that I still live in a 3D world in the context of, you know, developing my new business and potentially being able to also do some consulting on the side. I’m looking at having to establish some kind of a corporation or something like that, in the context of getting a tax ID number and I really would rather not do that. However, I’m in a conundrum and so I put that off…its on the table but I put it off to the side to contemplate it, to see whether that’s really what I want to do. But therein lies the challenge because we still live in this 3D world and we straddle it back and forth and so that’s why I put it off to the side. But I have some of those kinds of things in the context of making this progression through to where I would like to see what I’m working on, but I don’t want to get hung up with the IRS and the tax people and all that…and I realize that I can go beyond that. I’m just in a conundrum.

SG: Well, it is a 3D conundrum, let me say that.

Participant: It is a 3D conundrum. Yes it is very much so. And I mean I guess I would ask, is there a way to get out of that conundrum in the context of what I want to achieve in the overall context. Does that make sense?

SG: Yes. And there is a way to get out of it, but it is only in your way of expansion.

Participant: Yes. Okay. As I continue to expand I will find the solution or I can expand my way out of the conundrum. Is that it?

SG: Yes. And you see…

Participant: Ok. I like that.

SG: What Babaji earlier said for another, I would say is appropriate in many ways to you also…that you have done a phenomenal job of creating a life in 3D…a wonderful and fulfilling life for yourself in so many ways…as a single woman. And you have done a job that many others can be inspired by and can admire in your choosing not to be inhibited from creating by lack of a partner. There has been reason for this that it is not quite time for you to fully understand yet. But I will tell you that more comprehension of why your path has looked the way it has looked will be coming to you as you expand into the future. Yet I would say that you have created so well within the realm of this human 3D world, and so this bridge that we have been speaking of…this bridge for you is about moving beyond simply creating in the manner that you have previously in 3D. And I know that you are aware of this, and yet it is going to take practice and experimenting to continue to remove yourself from how it has been in the past. Certainly I will not make fun of considerations such as the IRS and the legal requirements. I will refer to that old saying of ‘rendering to Cesar the things that are Cesar’s‘…and rendering to Self…God Self…the things that are of your own expanded consciousness.

And I would say, this is a fine dance! It is this fine dancing between worlds. This one I speak through will tell you that as she has released more and more of the 3D, living more in the other realms has become easier. This does not mean you need to live the same life she is living. It means you need to live the life that is the one of passion that you create for yourself. And you have different desires and requirements for this. Yet I would say there is still density holding you back that is directly connected to not yet having fully expanded in your imagination beyond 3D. You still do desire to win the lottery…to find that suitcase of money in your closet. (laughter) Do you not?

Participant: Yes.

SG: And I will not knock it. It is a wonderful 3D desire. But I will say to…

Participant: Stop buying the lottery tickets!

SG: No, I will not even tell you to stop buying the lottery tickets! I will say stop imagining the reliance on the lottery ticket! You can create without a lottery win. It does not mean you cannot have a lottery win…to create in one way. But that is still a 3D creation. That is all I wish you to be aware of.

Participant: I totally understand what you’re saying. Its very much of 3D. If I could win the lottery and have millions of dollars somewhere, then I’m done. But that’s done in 3D.

SG: That’s done in 3D. You are being encouraged…

Participant: …to not go there…

SG: …to keep expanding in ways that have no reliance on 3D!

Participant: We’re creating a new path for ourselves and we don’t have any …you’re suggesting and you’re saying that we have the ability in the 5D context…or whatever beyond 3D context…of creating it however we want it. Its just...stop thinking in the context and the confines of 3D.

SG: Yes…but now I will say that when you say ‘however we want it’ that you are limiting yourself from the perspective of wanting as a 3D human. Do you understand that?

Participant: Oh. Yeah, I understand. And it may have been an inappropriate phrasing.

SG: Not inappropriate at all. I just wish you to see that on the level of creating what you want, often your soul vision is far expanded beyond your limited 3D vision and what so many desire in 3D…and this, Maureen, I feel you would agree with me in your own experience…what you desired to create at one point in 3D would have prohibited your experiencing what you have experienced that has brought you to where you are. Would you agree with this?

Maureen: Yes. I would. And I would say that there are still times that I desire a whole lot more in 3D! (laughter) But I get it…I do get it that I have let go to my experience and I guess I trust my soul Self now. I know from my conversations with others that that’s what many have had trouble with…that a lot of people have trouble trusting that their soul Self is leading them in the right path because its not bringing them what they want in human manifestation.

Participant: Well, particularly since we’ve all had to kind of like ditch a lot of the previous stuff! Its hard to…for many people…to rely on soul Self because soul Self ‘drug them through the mud’ so to speak…you know!

SG: And there’s much road grime to be gotten rid of! Is there not?

Participant: That’s exactly right. I totally get it. I understand. Don’t create in the old way, and imagine all kinds of fun things.

SG: And it is…what was the word or the expression used previously? Fits and starts? It is fits and starts to understand how to create in a manner that’s totally foreign to everything that you’ve done before.

Participant: …because we’re writing the guide book.

SG: Yes. As you go.

I wish to encourage you all. I wish to encourage you to continue to expand beyond where you have been before. I wish you to understand that it is important in many ways for your continued delving within, as has been said. It is a time…and it will continue…now you know that everyone hates when we give time frames for things because…

Participant: They call you a liar! (laughter)

SG: I would say to you, though, that in this now moment…that my guesstimate would be there is at least another 2 years of transitional experiencing as you move into living from your new and more expanded consciousness in a way that manifests in your physical reality. Now remember that physical reality does not only have to be 3RD dimensional. There are other dimensions that include a physical reality that are not your 3D human reality. You are expanding into new realms of this, and so be gentle with yourselves. Go easy on yourselves. But continue to allow this expansion to occur through imagination, yes, but also through allowing yourselves to experience the new with that willing suspension of disbelief that has been mentioned previously. Allow yourselves to have whatever experiences you create on the soul level. There is so much that is exciting that is to come. And I am very happy to be a part of your reality as you do this!

I would say it is quite a delight to be here. I would encourage you to relax into your living in the now. It is quite joyful for those of us who love to come in and experience togetherness with you to be able to observe and be a part of your expansion. As always, we are never far!

We shall speak again soon! And with that…Aloha! ~ ~ ~

Friday, May 1, 2009


Friday May 1, 2009. And it is the celebration of Beltane!

Brigid: Cead Mile Failte Beloved Ones! It is I Brigid delighted to come in and dance with you a bit today…delighted to bring my energy to your celebration…delighted to be a part of your celebration on this very special day in the turning of the wheel. Beltane is indeed a celebration. It is a day to enjoy who you are, what you are, where you are, in the context of your connection to All That Is…your connection to the Earth, your connection to the stars and all the celestial bodies, your connection to each other, which indeed stems from the heart space. Mother Earth has a heart you know, and her heart is singing with joy on this particular day of celebration in this hemisphere of the world where it is indeed a celebration of spring. It is a time when dear Mother Gaia is decorating herself with the blossoms and blooms, with the fragrance and scents of the flowers. You, dear ones, are in the space to do this yourselves as well, not that you need to wear flowers, but it is a time to feel your way into your own heart space, your own place of connection, first and foremost to yourselves and then from there, to each other, to this beautiful planet you are living upon, and indeed to all of us friends of yours, nonphysical beings, entities, who enjoy sharing interdimensional connectivity with you. As we have said so many times previously, the veil has become so thin, so gossamer thin, it is illusionary. There is no veil except the veil of belief systems that say it is not possible to communicate in this manner. You are very aware it is not only possible, it is quite joyful.

I come in on this day to encourage you to continue living from your place of joy. You hear this message over and over from so many who come through, particularly those who choose to come through this voice. And I say choose because it is always a choice when those of us who are not in physical form desire to participate in your experience by coming energetically close in this manner and allowing communication to take place. In the now there are some ripples in the fabric of the tapestry that is interwoven of family groups, of those who come in to an incarnation together. I wish to tell you that it is not important enough to throw yourselves off balance. And I speak this to the many. For it is far more pleasant when there are not these kinds of ripples in the force field. Yet I come in to say that each of you must indeed continue as always to find your own truth within. And for those of us who delight in coming in, we do indeed choose who we allow our energy to flow through, and who gives us voice. Each of you must have your own personal relationship with any being, whether in physical form or nonphysical form, regardless of what anyone else is choosing for self or what anyone else is doing. I simply wish to remind you to lift yourselves above the density of what happens when others are causing those ripples in the force field. It does not have to be a ripple in your own force field. I would encourage you to move beyond any ripples. I would encourage you to hear the joy and feel the joy in the birdsong that is so much a part of our gathering, of our being together today.

(Much birdsong is heard.)

Joy is my message for today. There is so much taking place in the world around you that does not seem to be joyful, that does not feel joyful to those who are participating in the affairs of this world. And yet you know each of you, as always, has the choice whether to come from a place of joy in your own experience of living or to be caught up in the vibrations of others that are often what you would consider negative in the world of duality. You know that you…yes, you create your own reality, as has been said by so many, but I will add to that…you create your own joy. And it is indeed a much more wondrous experience of living to experience from and through joy than it is to be bowed down by the heaviness and density of the experience of living in a world that is not infused with joy.

What today would be joyful to speak of in this manner that we are conversing? Do you have subjects that are close to your heart?

Participant: I’ve noticed that we have an earlier spring this year. The flowers are blooming earlier. Its quite a pleasant and beautiful thing. Living at 7000 feet can be a challenge at this time of year. We had snow 2 weeks ago and today…it’s a gorgeous day! So I love my flowers and the plants and the trees, and sharing that. So that’s what I’m joyful about for today.

Brigid: You are one who is able to feel the energy of joy that comes from every living thing that occupies this same space with you. And this is seen and appreciated and it is why indeed there is cooperation in desiring to bring you a joyful experience in this place that you are living, and in this life that you are enjoying in this space. We have spoken previously of the fairies and the devas of the Earth. I will say to you that in this early spring coming about the fairies and devas have been quite active and their activity stems from their communication with you on levels that you are not even consciously aware of. There is much celebrating that is taking place in this space because of the energy of joy that permeates it, because of the love that is so easily and so readily shared with…oh your plants, with your flowers, with your animals, with your birds. Indeed even with the singing of the water in your fountain. All is the song of love. And this is what Beltane truly is a celebration of. It is a celebration of love in the form of fertility…love in new life and new growth….love that blossoms.

There is a great deal of energy flowing in this now moment. Indeed we are very connected to your dear friend and mine, Ziggy (Maureen‘s partner), in his well altar space in this place called Alberta. I wish for you present here…I wish you to feel yourselves connected in this space beyond time and connected in this space of interdimensionality that has nothing to do with geography and feel how much a part of this gathering he is as you feel yourselves gathered around the well altar with him. For you see we are all…you, me and those others with us…we are all in more than one place at one time. He is as present here as you are present there and we are present in both places. I would encourage you to experiment a bit with this feeling state. It is a wonderful exercise in your building up to your ability to teleport that you like to call ‘poofing,’ that part of what is required for poofing is to feel yourself already there where you wish to be. And as you sit here in your human bodies, be aware that your molecular structure is quite permeable. It is far less dense than you believe it to be and you are capable of transporting your molecular structure through time and space. And you are getting closer and closer to this. And dear Ziggy has been feeling the energy of The Green Man. This is what you are feeling in your now, Maureen.

Participant: I don’t have any beer in the house! (laughter)

Brigid: My dear counterpart will be happy to visit you with or without the beer that is so grounding. But his energy is pouring through and I shall allow him to come in and join this celebration in this particular manner in this way on this day.

Green Man: Greetings, oh dear friends! It is a joy to be with you this day. It is a joy to be with you both here in Alberta and here in these East Mountains of New Mexico. I bring with me the energy of spring time. I bring with me the energy of the color green. I bring with me the energy of the groundedness of beer! (laughter) I am quite fine if you have no beer in the house. You are not in need of as much grounding as you used to be. Would you agree with this?

Maureen: Yes…most of the time. (laughter) Your energy though…whoa! Makes me feel like…where’s the Guinness?! (laughter)

GM: You are doing quite well sipping on your red nectar of the gods as it has been called. And you will continue to do so. I do come in to encourage once again deeper connection with this planet, deeper connection with the Earth that you walk upon, deeper connection with the living and sentient beings that occupy this planet right along with you. There is so much life upon this planet and yet it is often so overlooked. This particular space that you are occupying in this beautiful sanctuary of a home you have created, dear friend, with all of this wonderful land around you…it is indeed teeming with life, and it is teeming with life that is not just the life of planet earth. It is teeming with multidimensional life. Many indeed do enjoy coming to this place to share this experience of living with you, even if you are not aware that they are here with you. Truly you are never alone in this space. You are aware of this?

Participant: Yes. I am. I’m very aware of it.

GM: Have you spent time interacting with those who are sharing this space with you from the perspective of other dimensions?

Participant: Yes. In the hot tub a lot. (laughter)

GM: Water, as you know…water is life. And water itself is teeming with life as well as your land. You will find that it is easier to connect with those from other dimensions in the presence of water. This is why when you visited Banff and Jasper 2 years ago for the summer solstice…why you could feel such great connection to the many others not occupying the same dimension with you because of the life force of so much water around you. You encourage this intersecting of dimensions when you do have flowing water in your space, and in an area such as this desert of the southwest where there is far less natural flow of water than in places such as the Rocky Mountains of Alberta you find that when you allow water to flow…as your newly refurbished pond and flowing water fountain is (heard in background)…you increase the conductivity of the energy through nurturing, enjoying and appreciating the flow of water. So today I would say that this would be part of my own Beltane message, to reconnect with water. You often take this for granted in your every day experience of living, and yet water is very alive. Water is very conductive of energies. And without a continual reminder of this, many forget it. I would point you once again in the conscious acknowledgement of the work of Dr. Emoto. Water is a living thing. And you have yet to even scratch the surface of what you can learn by communicating with water. Water carries life essence…as does your air and yet in a different manner. And you will find that as further understanding comes into awareness…you will find that water is the element that creates life.

I am so happy to be here with you today. I am so happy to be celebrating with you…to be part of the celebration. I am etherically weaving the ribbons of the maypole with you in the now. It is quite a dance.

Brigid reminds you to connect with your own ancient knowing and remembering, that are within. You do not need to go back and relive what you have lived in the past, and yet there is so much wisdom, there is so much of value to be brought forward into your now, to be lived in your now, joyously. You are ancient ones. As am I. And you are very intimately connected to this turning of the wheel, the rhythms and the cycles of this Earth Mother that you live upon. You are intimately connected to the stars and the planets that share a space with you. When you look up and see the twinkles, part of yourselves is in each of those celestial bodies.

You are opening further and further to your own understanding of what it means to be a multidimensional being. You have been speaking about this with others quite recently. You are moving towards your summer solstice. You are now halfway there from the time of your spring equinox. You are moving closer and closer to a remembering, closer and closer to this deepening understanding of who you are in the cosmos, who you are beyond just the bodies you inhabit in your now. You will find that many others are not in the place to open to this same understanding. And this is where you will find that connections will fall aside and you will find that new connections will spring up to take their place. This is what is happening in the now. Dear ones, so many say this to you and I will add my voice…do not let anything or anyone hold you back. You are indeed on the threshold of this dream manifesting, becoming a reality. Everything is about to change. This is why there has been such limbo for so many, because you see there is no point and there is no purpose in beginning to create a new that will never come to fruition…because the energies are so shifting, because you are going to a whole new place that you have never been before. What you will be creating you could not have previously imagined. And I repeat this for all of you who are wondering about this lull, who are wondering why things seem not to be moving, who are wondering about this standstill that it appears is occurring. You will find that the current of this river of life runs much faster, much deeper, and indeed much more smoothly after the turning of your wheel of your summer solstice. It will be a summer here of much taking place, much I cannot even speak with you of for your understanding is not yet in the place to encompass it. This is how busy a time it is. This is how much energy is moving. You are creating an entirely new reality as you sit and imagine that nothing has been happening. So much is going on!

May I answer any questions for you in this now of our togetherness?

Participant: Well, I would like to say thank you for your loving message. It was very affirming. I’ve just been really happy today being outside watering, and looking at the flowers and all that. Thank you for the message.

GM: You are quite welcome my dear. It is a delight for both Brigid and I to be with you, for you see our energies are so closely associated with this turning of the wheel, so closely associated particularly with this celebration today of Beltane. And I would encourage you to truly allow this day to be a celebration.

Participant: It started as a celebration for me this morning when I went to go out to get into the hot tub and I was treated to this fly by by a hummingbird that was just having a great time zooming all over the place. It was like…wow….this is a really cool way to start the day!

GM: Well you see, there is so much of nature that is very comfortably in resonance with your own energetic signature here and you have this energy that allows flourishing of nature. That is why it truly is a delight to come here and meet you in this particular locale, while it is also a delight to share this moment and this time and this experience with Ziggy in his locale for he also very much emanates the energy that allows nature to flourish. There will be a joining of these 2 places interdimensionally and that is a piece of what today is about energetically as you open to and feel yourselves in both places. You can bi-locate, you know. This is something that is coming up for you as you move into this new energy. You are not limited to being in only one place at one time. I would make reference myself to what Tobias spoke of…of the multiple television sets and the multiple stations to be tuned into as examples of multidimensionality. This is indeed what you are fast becoming capable of doing. And this is why I would in the spirit of lightness…lightness of spirit and heart…I would say that all beings are capable of being in far more than one place at one time, particularly on the soul level. So do not be discouraged by anyone else’s limited ability to comprehend this. You, my dears, you are all quite aware you are very busy when you are supposedly sleeping and dreaming. You are in so many places, and you are in far more places in the now than just sitting on the sofa or even sitting around this well altar that has been so lovingly beautified by our dear friend Ziggy.

You are very close to your teleporting and to your bi-locating. And in bringing together the energies…bringing together the energies of both of these places that have been so nurtured lovingly in the honoring of nature…you will find that you are creating a portal between the 2 places that will make it far easier to eventually traverse.

Know that this is what is taking place. Know that on many, many levels it is a time for change. It is a time for blossoming, but the flowers that bloom may be different than were anticipated. And this is a wonderful thing. It is a wonderful time of new life and new creating. And Brigid and I are indeed with all who are choosing to walk into the springtime, walk into the new energy of creating in their own lives from that grounded place of heart space. Yes, keep your hearts light. Also keep your hearts open and flow that love. For you see you will never create what is fulfilling to you without imbuing your creation with the love that flows from an open heart.

With that I would say, go and enjoy! Go and celebrate! I am with you!

Brigid: I too am with you beloveds. It is my joy, it is my delight, to share this day of celebration with you. You are so very, very loved. Cead Mile Failte!