Saturday, February 27, 2010
MERLIN: The Space Of Love
As I sit to write this morning, the world has been rocked again by another major earthquake, this time in Chile. Tsunami warnings are affecting a large portion of the globe. The changes we have been told are coming, and which Merlin affirms in this message, are definitely upon us.
Much of this message is about moving towards living in harmony with Nature and each other, and finding our own ‘space of love.’ The discussion was inspired by a magical series of books written by Valdimir Megre of Russia and known as the Ringing Cedars. I have been recommending these books to everyone since making their acquaintance myself.
Now more than ever it appears that the inhabitants of Earth must make changes in how we live upon this beautiful planet of ours. Some pioneers have begun living the changes already and many are utilizing the teachings of Anastasia that have been made available to all in the Ringing Cedars books. There are many ‘Anastasia’ groups and communities springing up throughout the different countries in which these books, having been translated from Russian, are now available. Surfing the internet today I found and an eco-community accessed through links from it. I am sure there will be much more to come and perhaps some of us will be involved in the creation of new ways of living based on this honoring of the Oneness.
I personally, as an extremely energetically sensitive being, have been ‘flattened’ quite a bit this last month as I’ve felt all the shifts taking place both inwardly within myself and outwardly upon the Earth. I have had very little energy or motivation to ‘do’ much of anything, and have spent these last few weeks immersed in reading the Ringing Cedars series. As a result, I am sharing this message out of sequence with how it has been received and will hopefully have the inspiration soon to post the other messages that came through earlier. But in this now moment, it feels that Merlin’s message is the most appropriate for what we are collectively experiencing in our global community.
I encourage all to find your own ‘space of love’ and live from there. I do feel that this is how we will create the New Earth together.
~ ~ ~ Sunday 2-21-10
Merlin: Greetings my beloved friends! It is I Merlin coming in close today on the sparkles of the energetic invitation to mingle our magic together, for yes indeed, you do contain the elements of magic. You are magic though you often forget this.
It is the time of grand acceleration in your world as so many of you are feeling. It does at times leave you quite breathless I am aware. So I will begin speaking to you today with the reminder of how important it is to remember to breathe on your journey. You have heard this so many times from so many others and yet you will find that the very base element of your magical abilities is indeed the breath. Your breath is your connection to spirit, to the world beyond this one. Indeed when you begin to remember your teleportation skills…poofing as you have called it (laughter)…when you begin to remember how to easily traverse the dimensions and visit wherever you choose, you will remember how important your breath is to the experience.
Do you hear the breath of the wind outside your abode in the now moment? This is Nature’s magic. It is indeed a force that carries the elements that extend beyond merely the physical plane. I come in today to speak to you a bit of the elements…the elements of your Earth that connect you to the more universal elements that so many of you desire to access. It is indeed at your fingertips. It is indeed as close as your next breath.
I am aware that you in particular that I am visiting with and speaking directly to in the now moment, and many others, many who will access this message…have been engaged in connecting with the spirit and energy of this one known as Anastasia in your Ringing Cedars series of books. These books and the energy that is inherently a part of them are indeed a portal to the other dimensional realms that you desire to be in connection with, that you desire to have access to. Anastasia indeed seems as such a magical being…a magical being who has the ability to touch the hearts of those who are open to receiving her touch. She is not the anomaly that she may appear to be. She is what you might call the prototype of what you are all quite capable of being and becoming but have forgotten. Remembering is imbued in her very cells, which is why she is able to do things that can seem fantastical to others who have forgotten their own ability to do these same things.
In many circles you have been speaking of communication that goes beyond the need for language or words. It is a communication in which each of you is known to each other. Each of you can connect on the energy of spirit and soul and the medium that you do this through is your heart. This is the arena that you are expanding into as you continue to move forward on this seemingly never ending journey you have been participating in, many of you for quite a few years now and some just beginning it, yet it all leads to the same space of remembrance. And indeed as the title of the Ringing Cedars book Maureen is reading now says, it is The Space of Love.
When you can stand in purity, when you can stand in your own space of love, all that you desire that has seemed beyond your reach and grasp becomes available to you. I come in today to encourage all of you who are inspired in this particular direction and inspired by this particular pure being of love. I encourage you to devote yourselves to the further exploration of that which is catching your attention. It was said to the one translating my energy into words quite a few years ago now in a session with the angels that ‘the mundane will only keep you trapped.’ I wish to repeat this to you today and to say this to all those who are feeling trapped in the mundane…you have only to let go to find that the mundane need never concern you again.
This most recent stretching you have been doing is stretching you beyond the confines of what has made up your world as 3D humans previously. I am aware that many will say ‘but Merlin I need to keep a roof over my head, I need to put food on the table. How do I do this if I am not concerned with these mundane tasks of everyday human living and reality?’ And I say to you that you transcend the need to be engaged in the mundane when you accept the grandness of the divine beings you are…human beings, yes, but divine human beings who are also divine creators.
You have the ability to create magic and perform magic without the need for any spells or incantations, but simply through the knowing of the power of your own energetic vibration. It is a game that you have played for so very long that you must scratch in the dirt from the perspective of struggle. It is now time to play in the dirt as an extension of your very selves for indeed you and the plants, you and every element of Nature, are not separate, you are one…one at your core. There is much to be explored and much to be discovered as you continue to move forward, and I am telling you that those of you who continue to allow yourselves to be steeped in the density of worry and fear about the mundane, about the needs of 3D living and this particular reality, you will have much more of a challenge in your discovery for it requires that lightness that only comes with complete connection to and indeed surrender to your own universal energy that is, yes, the core of your very being.
This would be a time to address questions that you may have specifically about this which I am speaking or about anything else.
Participant A: Well I would just comment to begin with that I’ve only just started the Ringing Cedars series of books. I’ve read the Anastasia one and I have to say that Anastasia…her character is just so…the magic of her character just so reminded me of the energy of Merlin. So I just wanted to put that out, and I know there is that in each of us as well.
Merlin: Indeed you are quite astute my friend. This was what Maureen was pondering as she felt the energy coming in this morning. She was having a bit of a time of it discerning whether it was indeed the energy of Merlin or the energy of the Anastasia that she has been feeling the connection to. And you see you all, all that I speak to, contain the energy and the element of Merlin, which means that you all indeed as well contain the energy and the element of Anastasia within you. It appears as magic to the world when one has not forgotten the ability to connect with all around because so much has been forgotten by the world, so much has been disconnected from. And so you see there is a flow of Merlin energy that runs through everything, that appears beyond the reach and beyond the realm of mere human living, that is seen as magic and this book … every one of the Ringing Cedars series…contains indeed quite a strong flow of this particular energy.
What else?
Participant A: Some of us have been experiencing what I would describe as a rather metallic clicking in the ears. For me mainly the right ear although I don’t know how important that is. I’ve been pondering this a bit and I’ve come to realize that this is a form of communication…that it’s getting the human form, the body, to respond to the…what would we call it?...the melding and mixing, the integration of the spirit self, the larger being, into the human form.
Merlin: Well this is a very good understanding for you see many of you with all of the diverse physical symptoms you have felt as you have walked this path, many have come to call these activations. These are indeed activations and yet what is the activation but a communication to the very cells of your being and your body, a communication that says…yes, it is time to wake up now, it is time to remember, and all of these strange and sometimes uncomfortable physical symptoms that you have are a part of your own remembering. It is your own higher self communicating with the cells of your body saying yes you’re ready. You are ready for this particular piece of the remembering journey. There is much further to go as you walk this path of remembering and yet this does not mean that you will all be perpetually flattened by this, for as you have experienced so much and come to accept that you are not ill, that you are not dying with these symptoms, you are awakening and remembering…it becomes easier because there is less resistance. Your cells themselves do not resist but your own thinking state activates a bit of resistance when you wish to push against the feeling. By simply allowing what is occurring to occur, you move through it much more quickly and much more easily and comfortably. Many will find that the sounds, the tones, that you hear in both ears, yes, but at this point in time many are indeed hearing more in the right ear because it is a part of the sacred geometry of this particular period of awakening for access to the brain cells to occur from the right side…many will find that you will increase the amount of toning and indeed chiming and clicking that you hear in your ears and you will become accustomed to this. You will find that…as Maureen has mentioned with the pulsing sensation she seems to continually feel now…in time it becomes so much a part of your regular waking consciousness that you will consider this a normal part of how you feel on a day to day basis as you awaken to your divine humanness.
Does this help my friend in explaining?
Participant A: It does. It helps considerably. Thank you.
The other thing I would like to put forth is in my sleep time experiences lately I’ve encountered or let’s say that I think that I’ve created quite a long progression of scenarios concerning a communal style of living together where each individual helps each other and all work together rather than this form of working for say a central government who lays down the laws…and I find this very lightening, enlightening. It gives me a very good feeling about that particular direction. Would you care to comment on that?
Merlin: Certainly. This again is a form of remembering. It has only been in the past few hundred years that the overall drive of humanity, at least industrialized humanity, has become living in separation. Your living arrangements have shifted as you have as a species gone through such a profound disconnect from not only the others around you but from Nature itself and your own knowing of Oneness. Consider if you will that the norm for thousands upon thousands of years was collective, communal living where the chores, the work, the responsibility was shared and it also was quite rewarding to share the joys and the wonder of living with others as well. This has been forgotten, and you find that now as so many are waking up there is a stirring of remembering of the greater ease of connectivity through sharing living in community.
Now, there are many different forms of community. You do not necessarily all need to live in the same space at all times. There is great benefit in each having their own alone time and space for their own inner connecting. And yet look at what you have come to in your cities. Those who live in them may have met the people who live next door to them or may say hello or wave to a few people when out and about, but for the most part they have no idea who the people are who are sharing the same space and the same energy of place with them. This is epidemic throughout the world and this is part of why there has been such a mass movement away from connectivity and oneness. Your divisions in your daily living are symptomatic of the disconnection from the oneness of Source energy. I would say that as you contemplate this…and more and more of you will be contemplating this…you will find that perhaps one of the more workable models of community would be one in which each who desires to participate and be a part of the community would have some space of their own to enjoy their alone time and yet that there is communal and shared space for all to come together. Do you have further specific questions on this my friend?
Participant A: Well, I was just recalling Anastasia’s way of living, the cause that she speaks of…for the Russian people have their own little garden plots and spent their vacation times and many spent their lives on these little plots of land where they were more or less self sufficient and interacted fully with each other, and Anastasia’s contribution to that particular scenario was to assist in any way she could and in assisting those people to accomplish exactly that…becoming closer to the land, closer to Nature and closer to each other. And so that was another reason I was really taken with this first book of the series.
Merlin: Yes. And most are not close to yet, in their own remembering, the ability to live in the manner that she lives in her glade in the taiga (Siberian forest). Many of you do remember on a cellular level when you were quite capable of living in a similar fashion, and yet this is part of your disconnect and part of what you have forgotten, and so it behooves you in the beginning stages of awakening to share with each other what does come back to memory. Each of you has the capability of growing a great deal of your own food on your own plots and in your own gardens, even without a large amount of land. There was an article Maureen just read in a Mother Earth News magazine of a man who, on one fifth of an acre of land, grew so much food that he was bartering it and selling it for other implements after he had abundantly fed his family with it. There is much to be tapped into in this direction.
Now it will be taking things one step at a time for most of you do not desire to completely cut yourselves off from the rest of the world yet in the manner that it appears Anastasia has, and I say appears because indeed on her ‘ray’ she is quite connected to all everywhere. You each have the ability to do the same, yet you have not remembered it as of yet, and so many of you desire to have and maintain your high speed internet connection in order to stay in contact with the rest of the world. Many of you do indeed desire to continue to have the ability to watch television, oh especially for events such as the Olympics that have been taking place and bringing the hearts and minds of the world together in a manner that is very beneficial. Most of you do not desire to live the exact same experience that this one of the Russian forests is living, and yet there is much to be learned from her example, for each of you has the power to create exactly and precisely the living environment that you would find the most fulfilling for yourselves. I encourage you to continue pondering this, to continue feeling what direction feels the most joyful to you as you move forward in this, for it has been said that so much is going to be changing in your outer world and this is true. And this is no cause for alarm or fear in those of you who are awake and aware of the importance of the changes that are occurring in order to usher in a birth, this new era, this era that has been called the new Golden Era. It is indeed upon you. The changes are upon you. Many of the changes that occur in your outer world will in some ways force people to become more communally minded. And ultimately this will not be a bad thing. But for those of you who are beyond the need for a drastic earth change or a drastic change in the structure of government to cause you to desire to move forward, you may begin creating indeed the utopian communities that you can recall from your past, many of you from your days in Lemuria, many of you from your remembered experiences that go beyond only the earth plane. There are many stars that you hail from that indeed do know the joy of communal living in a way that enhances the living for all, nurtures the ability to enjoy the experience for all who are involved.
Choose wisely, dear ones, yet know that life as you have known it is coming to a close far faster than most imagine. Those of you who have allowed your own personal lives to change drastically over these years of your so called ascension journey will have a far easier time embracing the changes that are coming about. Listen to the wisdom of those who are seeking to create and teach the wholesome, balanced, pure lifestyle of oneness with Earth and oneness with each other, as Anastasia does. This is the direction that will reap the most rewards and assist in the greatest creation and manifestation of the magic of living that is so desired.
What more, dear friends?
Maureen: I received a question from a blog reader that I would like to put forth to you for some input…about why the soul seems to care so much about our human experience when some channeled material has told us ‘it doesn’t matter.’ Can you give an overview, Merlin, from your perspective of what is going on on the soul level, and why when we’ve been told ‘it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter’ as far as what our human experience is does the soul seem to have such a caring stance for what one does go through in humanness?
Merlin: Yes, I understand what you are putting forth here with this question from this beautiful rose who has heart ties to both the land of Russia, the land that we are speaking of in the Ringing Cedars series of books, and also to the land of Israel that came to be as a nation out of the desire for communal living for those of Jewish heritage. There is much pertinence in the question that is asked. I am aware that it is quite confusing for you as humans at times to comprehend the view from your soul’s perspective when you are feeling as if you are slogging through the mud and mucking through the muck of human existence. It is quite challenging. It is very challenging to be a human when you have not woken up to the inseparable connection between your soul self and your human self. Your soul self’s perspective is unfiltered by your human belief systems and indeed even ‘it doesn’t matter’ is a belief system. From the pure perspective of soul, in which the oneness of Source is recognized and never forgotten, all that there is is love. All of the games that are played, all of the roles that are taken on as humans, occur because at the soul level, where there is no such thing as a feeling of disconnection, love is the inspiration for the experience of the journey. And because nothing is predestined, because all is always potential, there is the freedom on the soul level to change what is unfolding and what is playing out at any moment during the living of the experience.
Indeed even dark and light are belief systems if you would look at it from that perspective. You are aware of the duality of life on this human planet. You are aware of opposites and yet on the soul level, all of these experiences blend into not just a shade of gray combination of black and white and dark and light. They blend into the most colorful tapestry of experience that you can ever imagine. And every thread of that tapestry, every thread and every color of experience that one has, is inspired by and guided by love. And so you see it is up to each individual being in communication with their soul self to decide which experiences are the most beneficial, which color will add the most to the tapestry…and every, every choice, every experience, every color of every thread in the tapestry is inspired by the pure love of the soul in its knowing of oneness with all that is. And so it all does matter very much on the level of soul. It all matters as love. And yet from the perspective of soul also, what appears to be unfair or intolerable, even cruel from the perspective of humanness, is often an experience catalyzed by the deepest of love on the soul level.
I will say this is enough for this now moment.
Participant B: It has been beautiful to have you visit again, Merlin! You’ve certainly given much to contemplate. Thank you!
Merlin: You are most welcome dear friend and dear friends. I continue to accompany you on this journey. I continue to desire to inspire you to remember…remember who you are, remember the all that you are, and to choose the magic that you are quite capable of both living and being.
Today I will kiss you with my energy. I will not infuse you as you have been challenged with keeping your balance during all of the intense energies of late that have been flowing to you and your planet. So simply feel the kiss of my energy upon your hearts, upon your lives, and know that you are always embraced in the magic of my very deep and pure love for you. With that I shall bid you a magical experience in your living this day and all days and say aloha. ~ ~ ~
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
BRIGID: An Imbolc Message
February arrived after an intense first month of this new year and along with the turning of the calendar came the ‘turning of the wheel’ celebration of the Celtic Imbolc, often known as Brigid’s feast day. Just after sundown on the 1st, we lit candles in our home in Brigid’s honor and to greet the returning light that is celebrated on this day (from sunset to sunset in the Celtic tradition), and Brigid answered this invitation to join us by gifting us with her beautiful energetic Presence and the message that follows.
I have several messages from others that came in prior to Brigid’s that I am working on getting ready for posting, yet the potency of the energy felt by those physically present was so intense with this visit that I felt it important to share this particular message as quickly as possible. Brigid said there is an energetic download contained in this that is available to all who choose to receive it, and as such, I would like to share this now for all who might desire this.
I personally could feel myself entering more and more of an altered state as Brigid’s energy began flowing in while I was preparing dinner, and by the time it was ready, I was in such an interdimensional state that I was unable to eat. So I sat in the glow of the candles while my partner enjoyed the meal and I had a unique experience. I could feel myself receive the download of energy in its entirety that I am usually only aware of as I translate the flowing energy bit by bit into words that become the message delivered. I told Brigid that I felt I could sit and type out the whole message without ever opening my mouth to utter any words at all, and she affirmed that this was true…that the mode of communication between the dimensions is now shifting and eventually the ‘middle step’ of translating the energy word for word will be unnecessary, but she also said that it is very enjoyable to bridge the dimensions in this manner and share energy with each other as we do when we sit together and feel the flow.
Brigid indicated that there are other nonphysical friends desiring to come in soon to share perspectives on some of the questions that I have been receiving, but that her main purpose in visiting on this particular day was to impart energy, so we didn’t do a question and answer session with her.
The content of this message has a bit different flavor than some that she has imparted previously. It seemed important to her that we recognize the Divine…and the Divine Feminine…in all that is held sacred by the masses, regardless of one’s personal beliefs or the expansion beyond them.
Brigid is known as both a pre-Christian goddess and a Catholic saint in the Celtic lands. In searching for images to include with this blog post, I found many photos of Kildare (Ireland), where (Saint) Brigid’s ‘eternal flame’ has once again been lit, as well as photos of Brigid’s wells. The well photo above is from St. Brigid’s well at Kildare and it is striking to note that hung upon the stone cross carved at the well is a ‘Brigid’s cross’ which dates back to her pagan Goddess days. Wikipedia says of Brigid’s cross:
“Brigid's cross, Brighid's cross, or Brigit's cross, often with the "Saint" prefix, or (in the Irish language) Cros Bríde, Crosóg Bríde or Bogha Bríde, though not recorded before the seventeenth century, is an Irish symbol. Though a Christian symbol, it possibly derives from the pagan sunwheel. It is usually made from rushes or, less often, straw. It comprises a woven square in the centre and four radials tied at the ends.
Brigid's crosses are associated with Brigid of Kildare, who is venerated as one of the patron saints of Ireland. The crosses are traditionally made on 1 February, which in the Irish language is called Lá Fhéile Bhríde (St. Brigid's feast day), the day of her liturgical celebration. This feast coincides with the more ancient one of her pagan namesake, one of pagan Ireland's most important Goddesses, Brigid, who is associated with fire, healing and holy wells; it celebrates the earliest stirrings of Spring, and is called Imbolc.
Many rituals are associated with the making of the crosses. It was traditionally believed that a Brigid's Cross protects the house from fire and evil. It is hung in many Irish and Irish-American kitchens for this purpose.”
In Brigid we find an intersection of the honoring of the sacred Divine Feminine in very differing ways and traditions and yet with the same energy at the core of each.
While looking for images on the internet to include with this post, I came across a website: Sacred Site Tours of Ireland by Liz Guerra
There is much wonderful information there about the Kildare area and Brigid, along with some beautiful photographs. I’ve included above a close up of the cross with crescent moon on the statue of St. Brigid that is found in Kildare, and this is what is said about it:
“Look closely at the carving of a small cross on Brigid’s chest. In the center of the cross is a crescent moon. When the artist, Annette McCormack, was originally carving the cross on the statue, the shape of a crescent moon began to appear before her eyes. The sudden appearance of the crescent moon in the center of the cross is as if the two worlds were joining. It’s believed to be a sign connecting the old world with the new. Brighid embodies Pagan Celtic and Christian Celtic Ireland. She inspires unity and peace in a troubled world. We need to bring into our lives this wholeness and the miracle of the crescent moon appearing is symbolic of this.”
Keep in mind that priestesses of Avalon, associated with the Lady of the Lake that the Goddess Brigid has been linked to, wore a crescent moon symbol tattooed over their third eye chakra so they would be more attuned to the spirit world and therefore more easily able to connect with magic.
A time of transformation is upon us, and Brigid and her magic are available to all, in all the diverse places where her energy flows and where she is honored and revered as the sacred Divine Feminine. May you feel her love as you read her words and may it inspire further kindling of the sacred fire within your own heart!
~ ~ ~ February 1, 2010
Brigid: Cead Mille Failte (One Hundred Thousand Welcomes in Gaelic), Beloved Ones! I come to you on the flames of your candles, on the flames of your hearts. You have done well keeping the hearth of soul burning, each of you that I speak to. It has been quite the time in your world since the last celebration of the celestial calendar. And while I did not come in to speak with you in this manner at Samhein three months ago, the wheel of the year continues turning, as it always does. Today you are celebrating another turning point, another marker, in this turning. This cross quarter day between the December solstice and March equinox celebrates the returning of the light here in your northern hemisphere. There is much symbolism in this feast and celebration day.
I am Brigid, the ancient Celtic goddess, Divine Feminine energy. Yet as you are becoming more and more aware, the Divine Feminine flows through all when it is allowed to flow through unimpeded. Tomorrow is the Christian celebration of Candlemas, which is based on the ancient Celtic Imbolc…the returning of the light…this pagan Druidic celebration. I would like to say that my energy very much flows through the one the Catholic Church has designated as Saint Brigid. There is Divine Feminine energy to be found in this one who has been revered in a manner that is acceptable to the Church. There are many, many pure of heart individuals who attend all of the churches that have been founded throughout your planet. Belief systems are strong within church teachings, and those of you who tune into me as the Goddess Brigid have done much to release the hold that these teachings and religious programming have had on you, and yet, you are in the time of world transformation. So many of you are going through intense transformations in your own personal lives and experiences, yet the world as a whole is also doing this. Many have had to walk away from what previously kept them from freedom in consciousness expansion. This is why so many that I speak to now have left the churches and feel no need for religion in their lives. And this has been appropriate. Yet, there are many, many who count themselves among what are called the faithful who are indeed pure of heart and spirit and simply in their own unique place of experience upon this path they are walking as humans. You do not need to all flock back to the churches that you have departed from, and yet I would encourage the honoring of what is the same energy that touches you in the place you are in now that also flows through the places that may no longer feel appropriate to you. Those of you who have, oh in many ways graduated from the indoctrination of your early years in churches and religious teachings have much to offer now to those who have not yet become aware of the door that leads beyond what is taught and accepted as doctrine in these places.
I wish to mention one this evening from your Family circle, this particular one that some of you know who in this lifetime of expansion has felt the calling to remain in the Catholic Church that touched him and spoke to him on many levels beyond where most of the masses who attend masses are able to feel. This one has spread much light. I want him to know how important the work is and the role he has chosen to live this lifetime, for by his intersection with so many other lives in this particular venue, he has assisted in the expansion of consciousness of many.
There are many others also who in one way or another have assisted this expansion, each in unique ways, and I would speak now to one who is physically present at this gathering with me this evening…you with your large family and your connections to them and the Catholicism that has been such a focal point for many within this family. I wish you to know how much your love and light has touched those that you call your ‘sister sisters’ (nuns) and how this indeed has then been passed on to others as well. I say to all of you to not judge by appearances. You have been reminded to honor and respect all others. This is indeed true and important. This includes the choices that all others make for their own place of spiritual connection. Unconditional love is far more potent as a consciousness expander than judgment and the ridicule of beliefs that another has moved beyond will ever be.
You have been touched recently by the energy of the one who has spoken to you calling herself Celestial Mary of the Stars. Indeed this is the very same energy, this Divine Feminine energy, that is simply known as Mary in your churches. And I myself also flow this energy. I am but one channel of the Stream, and it is a very large and very beautiful Stream that flows indeed.
Where are you going, my beloved friends, in this new year, in this time of accelerated growth indeed, but change overall? Where are you going?
You are going anywhere you choose to go, and it is once again time when the choices of your heart must be paid attention to, followed, made manifest in your life and experience. Much of your world is going to be shocked by the changes that are coming about, that have been set in motion…that are set in motion to the point of no turning back now at this point in time. You are the ones who will be the anchors of balance indeed for many, the anchors of sanity in a world that to them may indeed seem as if it has gone mad with these changes. This is only because it is very difficult for so many to let go of the known and familiar. This is why it is of extreme importance that each of you who knows yourself to be on this path of awakening and consciousness expansion…it is why it is so important for you to reach the place within Self of allowing all of the changes that are occurring in your personal lives…to become comfortable with these things being as they are…unknown and unfamiliar… and to be comfortable with not needing to know that everything will be exactly as it has been. This is what awakening is all about, welcoming the unexpected, the unknown, and in this finding the magic of what is entirely new. You are creating this. And you are, in this creation, bringing more light to this planet than it has ever known or ever held previously. I am with you as you do this, to assist you in lighting the way for the others who are perhaps caught in the illusion of darkness and pain and confusion and chaos that yes your Haiti is an example of in the now for those who are living through the experience on the human level. There will be more of this seeming darkness and chaos, and yet again it is one amazingly large potential for the opening of the heart of the world and for you all to come together in consciousness to create a new world of much light.
Today is a day dedicated to the light. There is a particular energy flowing through in this celebration of the returning of the light. What you are receiving is an energy download, and the words that are spoken are simply not as important as the energy you allow yourselves to receive. However, it is quite beautiful from my own perspective for us to sit together in this way and share this moment energetically in the manner that we are sharing.
Participant A: I would just like to say that I’m really feeling the energy. My head is just buzzing and I’m mesmerized by the light of the candles here…so that is the place I’m in.
B: You are tuned in to the energy of this sharing quite beautifully! There is a transition taking place in the now, even from the way these messages have flowed previously. You have heard and you have experienced that it is far more about the energy than it is about the words, and it is quite a wonderful affirmation to hear you say what you have, dear friend. You are very attuned and feeling the energy.
(To Maureen and those present) Now this is something that as you move forward in what you are doing, in what you are choosing…you have the potential to invite others in to share in this…not so much for a channeling session, not so much to hear a message in words, though that will be part of it, that will come…but you have the potential to invite others in simply to feel and to share in the energy that flows when you sit in this manner and invite connection and communication with those who are not in physical form in 3D reality in your now.
So I invite you present to entertain this thought, a potential, and to see how it feels to you. You’ll know when it is appropriate, and there is no rush, and there is no pressure, but many, many would very much benefit from the exposure to this energy more than they would benefit from hearing a channeled message in words, though of course it is also very timely and appropriate when channeled messages are synchronistic to where one is on their journey.
This energy which you feel so acutely, those of you present in the now, is indeed the energy of Home...and this same energy is available to all who tune in to this message and choose to experience it. It is one aspect of Home. There are many, many aspects of Home, but for those of you who have experienced this recognition of these flowing energies previously, I am sure you are aware that there is quite a similarity that runs through the many diverse energies that make you feel connected to Home…that there always is a sense of joyousness and peacefulness overflowing with love, Divine love. You yourselves are these energies and it is your own recognition of your innate core being that assists you in recognizing this as the feeling of Home.
There are many elements, yet each is foundational in its own way to your experience of living on this planet and feeling connected to what is beyond this planet. Fire is an element of passion. Fire is a symbol of purification and I come in to assist all who seek my assistance in purifying your own hearts, your own experience, releasing you from the bonds of attachment to what you may have been taught is important, but what really does not matter in the grand and bigger picture of who you are and what you are here for. Blessed are those of you who not only walk free but dance…wild and free…through the experience of being human!
We have spoken previously of Wild Celtic Mary. (See archives: Sunday July 27, 2008 )
Remember that she is the goddess energy that flows through me and that flows through each of you as well in its most elemental and its purest state.
Blessed be the light that glows from each of you from within the flame of your own hearts. Tend to this fire, dear ones! Your passion and all your potentials are contained within it.
Blessed be the eternal flame as it has been called, lit in my honor, tended in my honor, in the place of Kildare, Ireland by those who are indeed faithful and pure of heart. I also am very much associated with the element of water in all of the wells throughout the Celtic lands that are known as Brigid’s wells. There is magic and healing contained within the essence of water that you have not yet uncovered and accessed as the humans you are occupying this planet. This is close at hand for those of you who are ready to take the next step. Consecrate the water that you ingest, and I say consecrate in the most basic of ways. Make sacred what becomes a part of you. All water is connected. It is all indeed part of the Universal Stream. You nourish your bodies the most when you ingest sacred waters. I encourage you each to also make sacred by blessing everything you ingest. Everything that you ingest does indeed become a part of who you are, not only in the physical but energetically. This is why many are feeling the draw to eating less and eating purer foods, for everything you ingest contains a vibration that contributes to your own vibration. It is, for so many of you, time to become lighter and vibrate higher. This will come naturally. It does not need to be forced. But bless each and every thing that you take into your body and that you take into your energy field. And I would encourage you to become aware of the energy that you do indeed take in from those that you spend time with and keep company with. Choose what nourishes you and decline what is not in the best interest of your whole and holy balanced Self and way of living.
Dance, dear ones! Dance with the flames…flames of your own passion! It is time to move forward in a far grander manner than you ever have previously, and you have many dear ones who love you, who wish to assist you, even if they do not walk beside you in physical form.
Call on me. I am the patroness of the hearth and as such I am the guardian of your home, and home is indeed your physical form that houses your spirit and your soul. I do walk with you, even though it is in energetic form rather than physical.
Light candles and fires often. Not only will you find me in the flames when you choose to look, you will find the portal that does indeed connect you to so much that is beyond your human existence. You are ready. It is time to travel beyond where you have ever been before. Bring light with you to lead you and guide your way, and be aware that you contain within yourselves all the illumination that will ever be needed for your journey.
Blessings to you on this day of celebration!
I leave you in one manner, but I am always with you in the manner of our heartfelt connection. And so it is most appropriate to say…one hundred thousand welcomes to you with both my arrival and departure, for everywhere, everywhere you dance yourself to in this grand universe, one hundred thousand welcomes and more are extended to you. Cead Mille Failte, Beloveds! ~ ~ ~
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