Tuesday, July 17, 2012
BRIGID: Turning Point
Hello Dear Friends and Soul Family,
Are we there yet?
That seems to be the question asked by many people I know who have been feeling the intensity of the energies that the first half of 2012 offered up. Celestial events and solar flares have been coming at us at an unprecedented rate. May’s annular eclipse was said to be a once in 26,000 year happening so it is obvious that we are living in amazing times.
So many I know who have persevered on this journey have wondered what the culmination of it will be. How will things look? What will be different? Will anything be the same? I’ve certainly wondered myself what life will be like once the dust settles on all the changes that have been initiated by this incredible awakening taking place on the planet.
Change has come about in my own life in some pretty drastic and dramatic ways during the course of this journey and I have become rather adept at navigating the raging flood waters of it as I continue to attempt to go with the flow and keep my balance on the ever shifting sands that have often had me feeling like there is nothing solid left to stand on. I’ve had ideas of what I would like to create and the direction I would like to see my life go in, but quite frankly I have been so flattened during the last 5 years of full on “ascension” and all its side effects that more times than not I simply had to surrender to the process and allow that I didn’t have the energy to do much more than a good imitation of the proverbial couch potato.
That is changing in my own experience now, and I am aware that if it is changing for me it is changing for others as well…or will be in the not too distant future. I’m not feeling as slammed and flattened anymore when we do have an influx of energies, and while I still can quite easily find myself sliding through and accessing other dimensions beyond the 3D one of the world around me, it no longer seems to interfere with my ability to function in quite the same way that it did previously. In short, I realize that the times they are a’changing once again and this time in a way that fills me with excitement about what is to come. In my personal world, I have had the sense that the time period that included the annular eclipse, lunar eclipse, Venus Transit and June Solstice were akin to the Grand Finale in a spectacular fireworks display, and somehow the energies released with this Grand Finale acted as a kind of gelling agent for all the changes I have gone through and put into effect in my reality over the years of the ascension journey. I felt a real sense of completion after the Solstice that I still can’t put into words in a way that feels adequate. I know there is much more still to come, for all of us, yet I feel as if I’ve emerged into a new world and onto a new playing field in my own life.
I feel ready now to act on some of the creative ideas I’ve had that have lain dormant for so long because of my previous lack of energy to be able to infuse them with life and therefore bring them into manifestation. I do feel that I have reached a Turning Point, as Brigid mentions in this message. I no longer feel the need to wait for anything else to happen before diving into new creating in my own reality. I can tell that the time is now and I’m ready to get started. Brigid says that the new Golden Era starts when each of us chooses to create it as our personal reality. I have made the choice and am ready to begin this magical new creating. I hope you’ll join me.
With love and blessings to All,
~ ~ ~ Sunday July 15, 2012
Brigid: Cead Mile Failte Beloved Ones! And Good Morning on this beautiful Sunday in the middle of your month of July, summer here in this northern hemisphere, winter on the other side of the world. It is a beautiful day wherever you are, whatever the weather might be, whatever the temperature might be, for indeed you are receiving an enormous gift of love all over this planet that is being showered on you through the benevolence of this Great Central Sun that is the power that fuels your particular universe.
I come in today to speak to you of where you are on your journey…ahh, this journey that has lasted for so long for so many of you, that has been so much harder than you ever imagined it might be, that has gone on for so much longer than you ever hoped that it would. I am here to tell you that you are indeed approaching the turning point of your journey. And yet it may not be the turning point in the way that you have anticipated or even expected. You have come so far from the human reality that once was your entire world and universe, you who have been awakening and opening your consciousness to ever greater and greater expansion. This expansion will continue for this indeed is what the ascension journey is all about. And as you expand your consciousness to greater and greater levels of knowing and understanding, your human biology cannot help but to continue to expand in evolution as a result as well.
So many of you have been anticipating swift and major change to come as you manifest this turning point, and yet I will say as I have said before, it is not like the flipping of a switch. It is more like the knowing that you have come further on your journey than you have left still to go, and I speak once again of consciousness. All of the changes that you desire to see manifest in your divine human reality are on their way. You are past the point of no return on this planet. This planet will not be self destructing. There is too high a frequency that has been attained. We have referenced before your hundredth monkey syndrome, your saturation level. There will still be challenges on planet Earth. There are still human struggles that have not reached a place of peaceful resolution because the consciousness of those who struggle has not expanded at the same rate as those of you who are creating this…what we have called the New Golden Era. Some of you have been wondering what this New Golden Era means and what it is about. I come in today to tell you that it is indeed an era of consciousness. It is an era in which each of you can create the reality of your own choosing and your own dreams and have the ability to manifest what you desire by opening to the divine power that flows through you, that lives and resides within you, for each of you is a spark, a particle, a part of the God Source and you each contain this Source within every cell of your being. Indeed, all cells of your being are alive and well in this particular dimensional reality because of the God Source that they contain.
Whenever there is an aberration in your human biology, whenever there is dis-ease and dysfunction on any cellular level, it is because you are not allowing your God Source to radiate and emanate through this particular particle of your biology. To clear your human biology of dis-ease and dysfunction, all that is required is to completely reconnect to the God Source energy contained within those cells and to clear away whatever is blocking the flow of this God Source energy. It is far easier than you think. Your human science and medicine has come such a long way over your eons of time in treating human disease and human dysfunction of biology, and yet the treatment will never be as easy as resolving these challenges in the physical at their source, and once again their source is simply not allowing your own connection to God Source to flow through you. This will be shifting in upcoming days, months, years and generations. This is what I do speak to you of today, that there is no magic wand. It is a time release evolution that you are going through. Those of you who have volunteered and been chosen to go first have long hoped that it would work as the flip of a switch or the wave of a wand once you reached a certain point, but as I have said to you on several occasions and numerous others of your nonphysical friends have as well, you yourself are the magic wand. You yourself are the switch and you must turn your own switch on in order to manifest the reality that you have long dreamed about and that has been the purpose for your existence on the planet at this particular time of great change and great power.
Now, do not be discouraged by my words of saying that it is not merely the flick of a switch or the wave of a wand that will bring about the reality that you desire. Instead be encouraged when you know that all of the power to create this lies within you yourself. And I will say that in this awakening that is taking place upon the planet in the now and that has been building such grand momentum, I will say that in your coming together with others of like mind and heart and spirit who desire the same evolution for the planet that you do, and for personal lives as well, it is in this coming together with each other in whatever ways feel most appropriate to your unique individual spirit and soul, it is in this coming together that you seed the reality that will be created across the board for the rest of the planet in time and in generations to come.
So now you move forward from this midway point in your year of 2012. You have experienced so much in this year. You have absorbed so many energies. You have marked so many powerful celestial events. You have been changed by the energy of each of these events as you have absorbed their energies, and you are no longer the same person that you were at the beginning of this year. Indeed you are no longer the same person that you were at the beginning of this summer here in the north and winter in the south when your Solstice marked the turning of the wheel of the year. This continues, and it is appropriate and it is how it shall be for a long time to come, for this is what life on planet Earth is evolving into. Every moment is precious. Embrace it. Breathe it in. Do not waste it.
Your power always resides in your present now moment. You have the ability to change the past by where you stand in your present and in your now. And you have limitless creative power to bring forth and create the future of your dreams. Now there are many of you whose greatest desire has been to change the future of this entire planet. There are many of you who are here as Lightworkers and as evolving leading edge souls in this shift of consciousness who desire to see peace on Earth, who desire to see Unity consciousness, who desire to see a return to the Law of One…a return to the days when what serves One serves All, what serves All serves One. This will come, though it will not be immediate. What I come in today to tell you is you will bring this about in the most direct and swiftest fashion by first focusing on your own life and your own experience. So many of you to whom I speak in this now moment, you who are the Lightbringers, the Lightworkers, the Lighthouses, your lives in many ways have been selfless because you came here knowing that you were here to give to All That Is, to humanity, to this Earth, to your Universe. You came in service. This is so deeply honored and so greatly appreciated. Yet your turning point that I speak to you of in this now moment is coming to the understanding that you serve the whole in the best possible way from now on forward by creating for yourself the life that you choose and that you desire. As you create the new Golden Era in your own life, in your own experience, the trickle down effect to those around you will be powerful. This is how you will continue to impact the planet and humanity and All That Is, from this point forward.
So many of you have struggled with lack of abundance. So many of you have struggled with your own powers of manifestation for I am quite aware that many of you have been caught in those…oh, what are called Catch-22s…as far as knowing you are here to be of service and therefore putting what you thought were the best interests of all around you above and beyond the best interests of Self. It is time now to shift into a new gear where you understand that when you come from a place of purity, from a place of love, from a place of compassion, and from a place of high vibration and frequency and put your own personal Self in the center of your own creating, this is what will have the greatest impact on everything around you. You must find the peace on Earth that you desire to manifest in the world around you in yourself first. You must come to peace with all the relationships in your lives, no matter how dysfunctional the others who connect to you might still be. Love them through it, but in a healthy way, in a way that takes care of your own personal energy field first and foremost. The time for allowing your energy to be drained and bled from you by others is long gone. The time for martyrdom and sacrifice is over. This truly was the message of the Christ and the Christ consciousness, but it has been adulterated through history on your planet as a means of manipulation and control. I will not and do not choose to go into your…oh what have been termed conspiracy theories. I will say that there is much reality, much truth to a lot of what has come to light and come to the surface in these last years. Things are not always as they appear or as they have been presented to you. And yet you do not need to get lost in any conspiracy theories and you do not need to get lost in any of the realities that are affecting many on the planet because they choose to allow them to. You are the sole power and the sole creative force in your own universe, your own world and your own manifested experience.
This gift from the sun that is barreling into you as we speak, affecting much on your planet in the way of its geomagnetic force, is affecting much in your biology and energy fields because of your own receptive cells awakening and welcoming this energy into your aura, into your melded human biology and divine many layered multidimensional soul Self. It has been said that your solar activity is going to continue, it is going to amp up and continue to accelerate. You have not reached the peak of it yet. And so it will continue to be quite the interesting ride for a while to come for those of you who are here in human form. Yet I will say that those of you who have so steadfastly stayed the course of your journey, who have continued to remain here on planet Earth in spite of the many challenges and obstacles to an easy life in your human experience, you are about to reap the rewards of this. For as you stop pushing against the energies that are flowing in to you to assist you in your awakening and your evolution, you will find that the experience of these solar flares affects you on a personal level and affects your personal human biology less and less because you do become a much more resonant energetic frequency with what is coming in to assist you in your further tweaking and fine tuning of your own vibrational upgrading.
So my message today, as it generally is, is one of joy. I am Brigid, the Divine Feminine Goddess energy that very much exudes the energy of joy, and this is the message that I put across to you. It is time to embrace the joy in your lives in a way that you never have before. So many of you have been challenged to truly feel the joy because of your personal physical human circumstances. You have expected that they would be different, and look different, and feel different than they do at this point on your journey. And yet my message of encouragement to you is that as we are in this place throughout All That Is of this turning point on planet Earth, YOU have the power to change your circumstances. YOU have the power to utilize the energies around you and re-create your lives in a new way that you have never done before. It has been said to you over and over again, you are creating the new. This is not a rehashed and better version of what you knew in your old life. This is you taking the initiative of all that you have become on this journey as you have allowed your divinity to embrace your humanness and your biology. It is you now allowing your divinity to flow into your human experience in a way that you never have before.
And so you might find that the beginning of your own new Golden Era does indeed look like better manifesting on the human level. But that means that things will manifest in your life now in new ways and that you will find yourself living in a manner that you previously had not even imagined you might enjoy. It means that you do shift paradigms, or as one dear one has recently stated, bust them! You bust old paradigms wide open, and you in this way make room for the new to emerge in all new ways.
The many wildfires that have been so destructive in this area of the west of the USA in this time frame of this summer here have caused much devastation, have caused much complete loss of what was, which we would call the old. Now, once through the loss and the devastation and the destruction of the old, all that is left is the potential to create the new in new and different ways than what was there previously.
We have used the example before of Maureen’s own experience of visiting Yellowstone National Park 2 years after the devastating fires there in the early 90s and being amazed at the lushness of the new green growth that had taken hold and root in devastated land that had been burned beyond recognition from what it was previously due to those cleansing fires. This ascension journey has been like a cleansing fire in your own life and your own experience. It has been a cleansing of not just your experience and the programming of this one particular human incarnation that you are living, but the accumulated experiences of the many incarnations you have lived on planet Earth. This lifetime has been the paradigm busting lifetime for all of you in the sense that all of the old wounds, all of the old programmings, all of the old patterns that no longer serve you that you have carried lifetime after lifetime have been brought with you into this particular incarnation in order to be entirely blown up you might say, entirely destructed, for it will not serve you as you move into the creation of the new to carry the old with you. This can be challenging. This can be frightening when everything known and familiar is stripped away, and yet see the ones who are standing in the place now who have been brave enough to say I will go first and have found that in allowing complete release and stripping away of the old, they do not stand there empty handed as had been feared. Indeed they are reaping the bounty of incredible new gifts of incredible new ways of being, of incredibly joyous freedom to create in manners that have never been dreamed of or imagined before.
So do look to these ones as an example of what is possible, but know that you, and you alone, are the creator of your own personal world and reality, and it is the time for the Golden Era of mankind…of humankind. Yes, we will move beyond speaking only in the masculine. It is time for the dance of the masculine and feminine to come into a place of such joy and such delightful balance that you will wonder why you allowed it to go on for so long, this game of reaching this place and point in time where you embrace the shift, where you choose it, where you invite it in and where you indeed do manifest it.
I encourage you today dear ones, live in joy! Whatever your circumstances, whatever your reality, wherever you are in your life experience, do not dwell on what you perceive as negatives in your human reality. There is so much joy to be had in your experience. You simply may need to shift your perspective and to see with new eyes that see beyond the old paradigms, that see beyond the old realities.
As always I will encourage you to connect with this dear Mother of your planet, dear Gaia, and to connect with Nature. Connect with the sun and the moon, with the stars and the planets, with the celestial elements and energies for here is where your true origins lie. You know this and feel this and the energy that is coming to you from all of the celestial bodies is becoming stronger because of the gifts from your Great Central Sun that are opening you up to greater capacity to feel and receive these energies. They are assisting you. This is the unity consciousness that we speak of that is beyond just your unity with the rest of your human inhabitants of Earth. It is the unity and the oneness of all that exists in All That Is and there are so very many varied and unique forms of life that you are indeed one with. Celebrate this, dear ones! Celebrate this!
And celebrate first your Self, for it is from your own Self that all else emanates, at least in your own personal reality, for as I have said, every cell of your body contains that God particle, that spark of the divine. You are part of the Source of all creation, therefore you have the ability to create in your own reality in exactly the same manner that this Universe has been created by Source. Source flows through you! It is time for you to embrace this, to celebrate this, and to utilize this!
I remind you once again to keep the hearth fire in your own hearts lit and blazing brightly. Let those flames dance strongly within your own being. They will guide you on your journey. Your journey is blessed. Your journey is already a success. It is time now to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
You will soon be celebrating another turning of the wheel. Lughnasa is coming up in just a few short weeks, which is the celebration of the beginning of the harvest. Be aware that this has significance for you in your own lives for it is now time for you to begin the celebration of the fruits of the harvest in your own life. It is time and it is here.
You are so very dearly loved, my beloved friends. And with that I will bid you aloha and Cead Mile Failte. And so it is. ~ ~ ~
Saturday, April 7, 2012





Greetings, my very dear friends, on this energetically potent day between the first Full Moon of Spring and Easter! Much has been stirring in my own personal world since I shared Brigid’s St. Patrick’s Day message last month. I have reawakened my own passion for flowing words as a personal art form. I began working on what I intended to share with you here of my own rather magical journey of this past year in which I’ve been silent and absent from my blog, yet I found in order to do justice to the sharing, what I wrote was getting longer and longer and a bit too lengthy for blog posting. I realized that the book I’ve been gestating within myself for so very long is finally desiring to be birthed and that is what I am doing in the now, being midwife to its emergence. So please stay tuned!
This Easter weekend I find myself in a place of coming full circle with new understandings of past experiences and how much it truly IS possible to change the past as we gift it with our present energy of love and acceptance that all is always in divine perfect order no matter what appearances may be. I feel the rebirth and renewal and resurrection and fertility energies that Brigid and The Green Man talk about in this message awakening in my own life and it is gladdening my heart and my spirit. I wish the same for you as you embrace the awakening in your own life.
This morning I was immersed in preparations for a family gathering tomorrow and was not anticipating the strength of the energy that came barreling at me as I suddenly realized my plans for the day were about to change drastically. The Green Man has not come in to visit in this manner in quite a long time and it truly was a delight to be able to greet him along with the beautiful and loving energy of Brigid. Their emphasis of it now being time for us to awaken after such a lengthy time of being asleep brought to mind images of Sleeping Beauty and Rip Van Winkle for me, as well as a line from Van Morrison, “And the princess will wake up from her slumber.” It is time, my friends. What we have been waiting for truly is upon us and it is indeed time to wake up! As we do, we usher in the Renaissance spoken of also, which I see as a Renaissance of spirit and heart and soul that will illuminate our Earth in such blazing brilliance that nothing upon it can or will be the same ever again. How exciting!
Easter blessings to each of you from me, and much love as well.
Saturday April, 7, 2012
Brigid: Cead Mile Failte Beloved Ones!
The Green Man: And Merry Greetings from the one you know as The Green Man!
Brigid: I will begin our conversation today. I wish you to know that the energy of The Green Man is very present and flowing along with my own, and this is quite appropriate for this celebration weekend you are in the midst of with your Easter, with your full moon, and with all of the potent energies of the celestial bodies that have continued to shower you with their own gift of love and awakening. For that is what this time period in your lives is about. You are awakening from a sleep that has been a very, very long one. Quite a lengthy sleep indeed. But now it is time for the dawning of a new day, and you to whom I speak in this message and to whom The Green Man addresses as well are the ones who are bringing about the dawning of this new day and this new era. And as I have said to you previously…well done, my Beloveds. Well done!
The journey has not been easy for many of you. And we come in on this day of energies to let you know that much is about to change in your world once again. For some it will be an abrupt change, and I will use the example of Maureen this morning having a number of things on her intended “to do” list for the day, in an easy going and relaxed manner of course, yet things she was focusing on accomplishing, and suddenly in an instant she felt the whirlwind of energy that announced that we had come knocking at her etheric door to mingle our energies. We let her know that instead of what was already planned for her day, we would be delighted to come through to speak, to spend some time with you, and as always to infuse you with a bit of energy, a bit of energy that is most appropriately infused in this moment in time.
You are beginning to expand in ways that, oh you have dreamed about, and yet you have not quite been able to comprehend fully with your thinking human minds. This is because the brain will never take you where you are desiring to go. It is only through your willing suspension of disbelief…a phrase that has been used before in some of these conversations…it is only through this and sinking into feeling state that you will open the doors and fly to the places that you do desire to visit that have previously been out of your reach.
My message today is about continuing to have no expectations of what things will look like in the world around you, and most especially in your own individual worlds, for each of you is going to be embracing the change that comes through expansion in your own very personal and unique ways. The clarion call has gone out. You have heard this heralding of a new day. It is upon you. So many of you have lived rather mundane lives in many ways for quite a bit of time in your last years as you have embraced this journey. It has been extremely difficult and challenging for many of you to fit yourselves into a world that still is focused in so many directions that you yourselves have left behind, that you have moved beyond. You will find that as this shake up continues, as it intensifies, that more and more will by necessity have to let go of some of those paths that have been so programmed into them as the way to live a life of fulfillment here on this planet, though many have not found the joy that they would have hoped to have found by following the dictates of the society that has had its own hidden and secret agendas for a very long time.
Those agendas and those secrets have been utilized by those who have sought to control the populations of this planet in a manner that has assisted in keeping most on it asleep. This waking up of your sun energy that you have all been experiencing, that you are all aware of as your solar flares and geomagnetic storms are now the stuff of news stories, this waking up of the sun is in attunement and alignment with your own timing of waking up from the deep sleep that you have been in.
Many have heard of how the masses have been programmed to be controlled though things such as fluoride in your water systems. Many are becoming aware that they no longer choose themselves to continue to be manipulated in this particular manner. They are now choosing flouride-free toothpaste and seeking out pure water sources that do not contain this addition of fluoride that is not benefiting humanity. It is assisting in keeping humanity asleep.
I will touch on also the control that has come about as well by the manipulation of the access to one of Nature’s most magnificent of herbs, what is known as marijuana. This has also been manipulated in order to control the masses. Some are finding that using this particular herb in spite of the restrictions placed upon it by government laws and legislation assists greatly in the opening to interdimensionality and the expansion of experiences that so many of you walking this particular path on this journey are desiring.
Change is in the air. I will not predict when changes will come about but as more and more do awaken upon your planet, it will become harder and harder for what has been known as “The Powers That Be” to continue to control mass populations in the manner that it previously has. Enlightenment is on its way and it will not be held back.
Those of you who have the courage to follow the call of your own hearts regardless of The Powers That Be that continue to try to manipulate and control will find that your momentum builds collectively and that many of these dictates that have been in place that do not serve the greater good of all will be among what does continue to crumble as the old paradigms shift, collapse and are replaced by the new.
There is, as so many of you are feeling, quite a potency to the energies of this particular weekend. This is because there is quite an intersection of powerful energies coming from various directions to meet and be aligned in your own heart space during this time in which you celebrate rebirth, renewal, resurrection and fertility. I come in today to encourage all of you to spend time in quite deep and sacred contemplation of what this means in your own life, of how you yourselves can be the living, breathing examples of what rebirth and renewal and resurrection and fertility look like in the life of a Divine Human.
Most will be familiar with Jeshua’s parable in the New Testament of how one does not hide a light under a bushel barrel, and indeed I have used this analogy with you before. This is the year when it becomes impossible to hide your light and continue on the journey you are on. This is the year when you are, each and every one of you, being called upon to understand why you have chosen to be on the planet at this particular time in its history. You know that it is a time like no other, and you know the significance of this time period. You each have unique gifts, though many of you have been awaiting the timing that would assist in the waking up of many of the codes that you carry within yourselves that will assist in the recognition of the gifts that you came here to bring forth. Many of you have been frustrated because you are aware you are here on purpose and with purpose and yet your understanding of exactly what you are meant to be doing has been elusive because the timing has not been right for the complete revelation of what your purpose is.
Now I will say that many of you hold keys and codes for each other. Because of the celestial alignments that are happening and the energies that are being gifted to your planet, the timing for remembering is upon you. These alignments and energies are all assisting with the readiness for the mass unlocking of the codes that have been held within you all of this lifetime and indeed during many, many of the others that you have shared with each other.
Now to you whom I speak, it will be no surprise to you to hear that every person who plays a significant role in your present journey is someone who has played a significant role in other ventures and adventures that you have engaged in during other incarnations you have had. And most of these have been in the time of very significant happenings upon your planet. You are Lemurians. You are Atlanteans. You have been Egyptians and Druids. You have been Native Americans and Aboriginal Wisdom Keepers holding the balance of energies for humanity through your reverence for Mother Earth. You have been the Ancient Ones that you have sought guidance from for millennia, and yet now the guidance no longer comes from outside yourselves for it is contained within.
Many of you have been unable to unlock your own codes because you did not have all of the keys that were necessary for this. Now, as this wonderful and truly magical year of 2012 is upon you, it is the time of awakening and this means the awakening of many of those dormant and sleeping codes that you contain. For many of you to fully activate these encodings within yourselves, you will need to connect with others who have been significant to you in these other lifetimes and who have shared in the role and the purpose that has been flowing for so many of you from lifetime to lifetime. This is why it is very important to follow the signs and the inner guidance that each of you will be continually giving yourselves as this year continues to unfold, and it is why it is important for you to follow the guidance of your heart in every moment, no matter how strange it may appear, to others yes, but also to yourselves at times! It is the time when it is of the utmost importance to trust Self and trust inner guidance.
Some of you will find that your relationships continue to shift. Some of you are already aware of how things have changed, that many people who have been close to you and important in your lives previously are taking other paths, and so their own unique journeys do not intersect with yours in quite the same manner that they might have previously. This is all appropriate. All of you will be meeting new people in this time of new energy and awakening, and I say new for they will be new to you in your present lifetime, this lifetime in which you do not have memories of interactions with them prior to your coming together in the timely manner that you do now. And yet none of them are strangers to you. You will be reconnecting with many souls who have played great importance in your lives and in the grander scheme of the bigger picture throughout the many lifetimes you have shared. Pay attention when you do indeed meet someone who fits this description for you, someone that you find resonance of spirit and resonance of energy with. And yet I will say to you, have no expectations of what is meant to come about from your meetings and your connections. It is a time when Spirit will dance lightly and sweetly and indeed passionately with you and weave the web of creation anew as your own energies combine in the collective dance of this great planet Earth that is taking place in this now moment of time.
You are frequently told with the “turning of the wheel” that things will look very different in your lives by the time the wheel turns to the next grand celestial event. You have passed your equinox of March and I will assure you that this is very true as you head towards your solstice of June. By the time you greet the December solstice, the day that is felt by so many to be the culmination day of this year of 2012, by the time you reach the 21st day of December of this year on your planet, very little will be the same as it is in your lives now. And so I encourage you to both embrace these changes and to celebrate them! This is why you are here. This is what you have been waiting for. There is so much joy to come!
To speak of joy now, I will step back and allow the energies of our dear friend and my wonderful companion of spirit The Green Man to flow through Maureen’s voice with his own message at this wondrous time of Easter.
The Green Man: Merry greetings I bid you, dear friends in heart and spirit! I have not visited in this manner in such a long time in your time. It is quite delightful and enchanting for me to be able to experience this again. It is the time of year in this part of the world for the greening of the Earth, and green is the color that floods your planet when the new life and new growth begins its cycle of renewal once again in this season of Spring. Life begins anew in the spring and this is as true in your own lives in this spring time as it is for the growing things upon the Earth. Green is the color of vitality and life and health and heart. Green is the color associated with the heart chakra, that deep, vivid, emerald green, the green of new life and abundance. The Kelly green of the Irish! And yet, this green belongs to all who seek to live in harmony and joy and love and peace with the planet you reside upon.
I will speak to you of fertility in your own lives, for it has been a time of seeming dormancy and sleep for so many of you for such a long time. Many of you are still unsure and perhaps even a bit afraid to truly tap into the passion that flows within you in order to be creative and therefore create. You need this creative fertility in order to embrace your new lives, and so it is going to be most important for all of you to take the time to look inward, to feel into what is the action that will be most in resonance with your state of being. It has been of primary and utmost importance for each of you to disconnect from the “human doings” (laughter) that you used to be, and become the human beings where you can simply know that all you need do is be still in your own energies and this is as important an accomplishment as anything you sought to do through action in your old lives. Yet now the time is coming upon you where so many of you have stilled your lives, you have connected inwardly to the place where All That Is abides, where Source and the source of All lives within you, and many have become quite aware of this and quite comfortable with this connection. Now as you are waking up, now that it is time for resurrection and rebirth, it is also time for there to be action in your lives again, but there is a very big difference in how this action will come to be. Previously many took action from what seemed to be dictated to them from without. That will no longer satisfy or fulfill in this time of awakening, and so now it is time for all action to be inwardly guided and directed, and this action will come about through the fertility that comes with nurturing and nourishing your own passion.
Invite more activity via your dream state guidance, for you will find that often your guidance comes most easily and clearly when you truly have your conscious and awake human brain out of the picture. So invite this in, and also be open to the signs that you do indeed attract into your experience via your waking hours. Many will come to you. The more you invite them and welcome them and pay attention to them, the more abundant they will be.
You might say that what is occurring as your planet wakes up in this year of 2012 is akin to a Renaissance. You are going to find that there will be a great increase in the creation of things of beauty, whether they are concrete, tangible things in the world of human reality, or whether they are experiences that open the way to further expansion and exploration beyond simply the human dimension that you have lived in and been aware of up until now on this Earth realm. The Renaissance is not just for your human planet of Earth. The renaissance is for all of life that is connected to your planet within this Universe. You have been told that it is being carefully watched from many different realms and dimensions. This is truer now than it has ever before been. So my message to you today is to take yourselves seriously, and I say this with a little bit of a pun (Sirius/siriusly) and with a little bit of humor, but I am also quite serious in what I am saying. It is time for you to stop overlooking Who You Are and what you are here for. It is time to realize that you are a key player and a big player on this planet in this now moment of awakening. You have codes to share with others who have similar purposes and intents to your own. And there are also others to welcome into your experience who are attracted to you and your energies because they have gifts to give you in the way of encodings that will assist in your own awakening.
This is the message that both Brigid and I have come in today to share with you. We have been basking in the mingling of our energies with you and will continue to do so. I will not scare you too much by asking you to breathe in any infusions of energy in the now (laughter), but I will say that you will continue to be absorbing the energies that are being brought to you as you go about your day today and you go through this weekend and what comes after it. You are being energetically seeded with pure and loving and quite beautiful energies that will assist in your own continued awakening, and which you are then able to gift to others in turn as you seed them and the very Earth that your feet tread upon. I ask you to be joyous in your connection with both the Earth and with the creatures of the Earth that you come into contact with, and that includes as well the many people who may cross your paths. I say to all to remember to welcome all seeming strangers into your experience for to borrow again from your New Testament, when you do so you may find you are indeed entertaining angels. Certainly angels who are choosing to enhance your own journeys and angels who are lovingly working collectively with you and All That Is to bring this grand and wonderful change into manifestation upon the planet.
And with that both Brigid and I will tell you, once again, how very, very dearly loved you are. We will once again both say well done, Beloved Friends, for what you have already accomplished in bringing this incredible shift, this change, to the planet. We are cheering you on. You continue to always be supported. You are truly never alone in what you are doing. Yes, you are so very dearly loved and with that we shall both say Aloha, and Brigid will say…
Brigid: Cead Mile Faite Beloved Ones!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
BRIGID: Golden Light & Culmination





Greetings my dear friends,
It has been a full year since last I shared with you in this way. What a year it has been! I am in the process of writing about my experiences and the changes that have occurred during these last 12 months and will share all of that in an upcoming post. Today however, on St. Patrick’s Day, I am feeling inspired not to wait any longer and simply go ahead and share this encouraging message from Brigid that came through in our conversation last evening.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day one and all, and may the blessings of Brigid and the Irish be with everyone always!
~ ~ ~ Brigid's Message:
Friday March 16, 2012
Cead Mile Failte Beloved Ones! I thank you for the invitation to come in and join you on this eve of your celebration of St Patrick’s Day, a day associated with celebrating the Irish and all of Celtic spirit and culture and history and wisdom. I am Brigid, known to you as an ancient Celtic goddess, known in the Catholic church as St Brigid, and known to those of you who are aware of the flows of energy that make up this universe as one of the many forms of the Divine Feminine.
There is a potency of energy that is surrounding you now that is a reflection of the potency of the energies that are building upon your planet as you move through this year of 2012, but in particular as you move closer to the equinox that is upon you in the next few days of time. It is your vernal equinox here in this northern hemisphere and this is a celebration of the rebirth that comes about in the time of spring upon your planet. This spring, for those of you who are celebrating spring, will indeed intensify the energies that are streaming onto your planet, and there will be a corresponding intensification as well for those who will be celebrating the autumnal equinox in the southern hemisphere. You will find that much that has been occurring up until now has been the prelude for what is to come and this will be seen both personally and in the greater collective.
I am not here alone this evening. I am, as always, accompanied by many of those nonphysical friends who flow complementary energies to my own. The message I wish to share this evening is both one for the collective and one directed to you each on personal levels.
The times are changing, as all who inhabit this planet are aware at this point in time. Much that was previously taken for granted and accepted as a given will no longer be a given at all. It is an exciting time that you are immersed in and the excitement is going to continue to build. Now not all will share in this excitement. Not all will see the changes that are taking place as benevolent and ones that move humanity forward. And yet underlying what is happening is this direction.
We pause for a moment as Maureen is being very overwhelmed by not just the flow of energy she is feeling but by this bathing in golden light that is occurring in this now moment. It is the gift that I bring in as I flow my message to you through Maureen’s voice this day. Yet it is the gift also of the collective of nonphysical friends who have been supporting you on this journey. It is the energy of what is streaming to earth in your now moment of time in this year of 2012 as you receive the gifts of light energy that come to you in packets and packages from the sun as you receive it via these solar eruptions and flares. These energies are indeed a gift to you. These energies are assisting in the raising of your frequency and vibration.
Soon there will come a time when no one will need to channel messages or translate energies for the masses in the manner that has become so popular during these last years as you have all sought this continued expansion of consciousness. What is occurring as the light assists in your continued expansion is that you each will be raising your frequency to higher and higher levels that will then match more and more and that will be in resonance with the frequency of those beings who are not in physical form. As this occurs it will become far more commonplace for all to receive their messages personally. This has not happened as of yet. Overall it will take some time in your time as humans for all to be able to open to this gift who choose to. And yet it is approaching. The words of encouragement I would give to those of you who desire this and who are not yet experiencing this kind of free flowing communication between the dimensions would be to continue to purify your own vibration and energy fields. It would be to complete whatever work is required of you to release your past, to be done with anything from your previous experience in physical form that is holding you back from this shift into a frequency that so easily matches and mingles with the frequency of those not in physical body.
Maureen’s interdimensional communication ability is one that she has worked on during other lifetimes, many other lifetimes. She is able to feel, experience, differentiate, and translate so many different energies simply because she has purified and raised her own frequency to a level that is similar to and in resonance with those she invites in and allows to flow their energy through her. This is not unique to her and is something that all will eventually have access to through their frequency as well as you proceed into this Shift of the Ages. In the collective, more and more will willingly choose to elevate their own frequency to that of the beings whom you wish to interact with and communicate with who do not reside in physical form upon this planet. For many this will be expanded communication with those you have come to know and love as your soul family. Many of these are beings who have agreed to be channeled by those who make public the messages that are directed to the masses. This will also include those of your overall family that you call star beings. The breakthrough in communication that is desired by so many will come as the collective vibration of your planet continues to rise in frequency.
As always, some will go first. But as always, others will follow once the door has been opened. Each of you now are about to embark upon the culmination of this journey that you have been on for what seems to be such a very long time in your human experience. So many questions have arisen on your journey. So many challenges have also arisen and yet you who have so lovingly, patiently and faithfully chosen to serve the planet have continued on. So many of you who have chosen to be the frontrunners, to go first, to be the less than half of one percent that the Kryon speaks of, so many of you have committed to being here for this time, for this change upon the planet. You have been discouraged, you have been depressed, you have been buffeted and battered by life it seems on many occasions. And yet you have persevered. You have stood your ground. You have stayed the course. You have continued on in the face of what would have been very daunting for many others who would not have chosen to continue. I flow in on this energy of celebration, with your St Patrick’s Day and your equinox and other energies that are upon you, to congratulate you and to thank you and to offer you this bit of encouragement. I will tell you that you have succeeded. You have turned the tide on this planet. You have set in motion what can no longer be stopped, through your perseverance and your dedication to the cause of humanity and the raising up of all those who reside upon this planet.
So many of you are still in a state of feeling betwixt and between and yet most are aware that there is something tangible, palpable, beginning to be felt, even if it is not clearly seen. This is so. I wish to tell you that you’re in the flow now that is taking you exactly where you have been desiring to go and there is no turning back and there is no need to and as this momentum builds there will be no desire to, for this is what you came here for. Life is about to…and indeed already is…in many ways get easier. So many of you have attempted to push that Easy Button you were told about and yet been frustrated when it did not seem to work. Oh I recall (laughter) that the one I am speaking through at one point claimed that her Easy Button was defective! This was not the case. You each needed to experience what you have experienced during these years leading up to this year of culmination that you are now in.
You’ve been told to expect surprises. I will affirm this for you once again. Life is not necessarily going to continue to proceed according to the “same ole same ole” or what you might call the status quo, for that is in the process of shattering. Your world is in the process of immense and enormous change, as any observer can easily see. For those of you who have so bravely and gallantly continued on your path with what have seemed to be blinders on your eyes for so much of this journey, you are about to find that this dazzling golden light that is being gifted to you from the Great Central Sun is going to complete the process of burning away the last of the dross. Your blinders will be not only removed but dissolved for you will not need them anymore.
This betwixt and between period will be fading away. Each of you will be opening to a far greater understanding on an individual level as to the purpose of the next period and cycle of your life in this lifetime. As you continue to move forward, all of your action will come about quite easily and quite naturally as an extension of Who You Are. You no longer will have to strategize and plan your life and attempt to bring things about through “trying” in your experience. When you reach this level of frequency that you are all moving towards that I am speaking of, it will be…oh, perhaps what you have looked to and called instant manifestation, but not necessarily in the way that you are thinking of the manifestation of desired goods in your life, of monetary abundance and material things appearing. This instant manifestation will be a “no thought required” process. By knowing Who You Are and by being completely at peace with yourself and your own divinity, all that you require in all ways, including far beyond the material, will simply manifest for you easily and effortlessly as the natural progression of your experience upon this planet. This means that as you stop striving and seeking for how to move forward and how to get anywhere you desire to go, that as you live from this balanced place of peace within yourself, all the experiences that you desire will be at your fingertips. This is the instant manifestation you have been moving towards and desiring.
I am not wishing to give the impression that material needs and material desires will not be part of the manifestation. Indeed they will. But not in the manner that has been “worked at” previously by so many. I am quite in tune with the message of Abraham that I know Maureen and many others have found to be so resonant and such a wonderful foundation for this walk upon the planet in this lifetime. The image that is flowing through Maureen in the now moment is Abraham using the example of “I want a new red car” and how to go about that kind of manifestation through feeling state. That will be a natural extension of your coming into this place of peaceful heart and balance within. You do not need to focus on any of these manifestations for them to come about and come about naturally and easily when you do find yourself in the place of continually living from that state of inner peace. Many will find that things that they desired previously in their experience will no longer hold the same relevance or meaning once the flow of passionate energy begins moving them in the direction of the true purpose that each has come on to this planet to live. This is not to say that you will not be able to manifest lovely things to surround yourself with beauty and comfort in your living. Of course you will be able to do this. But it will no longer have the role of importance that perhaps it once did for so many.
I am very aware that so many of those who have been on this spiritual journey have struggled with the manifestation of material abundance. For many this continues to remain an issue and yet those who have moved beyond this issue are aware that needs are always met when you come from that place of communion with the Oneness and your own divine soul Self, this companion of spirit that is always with you.
There are wondrous times upon you. One of you here this evening was just speaking of Kryon not giving timelines in the last audio message you listened to. I would say it is very challenging for any of us who are not living your human reality to be accurate with a timeline that you would like to hear. I would continue to encourage you to step out of time for that is what you are moving towards and moving into. Let go of any expectations that are accompanied by a timeline. Surrender to the timelessness that lives within your being and that is the place that your soul dwells and simply know that much is accelerating. You all are aware of this. It will not be years and years of your time any longer before you are seeing concrete manifestation of the changes taking place in your world and in your personal experience. Yet let go of needing to know what will happen when and simply ride the wind of the now moment. It will always take you where you do desire to go.
Whatever it is that any of you are desiring to manifest, again I simply say let go of timelines. Allow the process to unfold in its own perfection of divine timing. There is a reason for the timing of every experience that every one of you manifests. Trust this even when you are not aware of what is going on beneath the surface of things. I once again remind you that things are not always as they appear and it is your own innate trust in your creative manifestation abilities that will allow you to always know that what is in the process of being created is exactly what your soul is desiring to manifest.
To all who do tune in to this message, I am going to encourage you to allow yourselves to let go and to immerse yourselves in the energy of the now moment more than you have ever done before. So many of you have come such a long way in being able to do this, and being able to let go and be in the now moment. Others still have a way to go with this. This can be part of the stretching that you continue to do as you seek to bring yourself into greater alignment with your soul and greater divine balance. When you live in the now there is no need for anything beyond the moment. And so it is encouraged that you turn your experiencing of the now over more and more to your feeling state. Allow yourself to be guided by those deepest feelings of your heart. Allow yourselves to follow the direction that comes to you through those gut feelings of knowing what is the right next step for self and what is not.
This is still a time to trust whatever you have manifested. One of the phrases that Maureen has long loved came to her from Melody Beattie, whose books touched many lives, including Maureen’s, during her journey earlier in life that she might characterize as her recovery from codependency, and that line was “when it is a time of pause, trust the pause.” All of you are in a pause moment in the now, whether you are aware of this or not. It is the space between the in breath and the out breath of God. This will not last forever. It will be changing as you continue to go through these gifts that come to you in the way of bursts of energy from the sun. There will be more celestial line ups and happenings occurring. There are some monumental days approaching as you move into your upcoming summer this year here in the northern hemisphere, your winter in the southern. The pause will not last much longer. But while you continue to be in the pause I encourage you, go deeper within yourself. Go deeper than you have ever allowed yourself to go before. You are being given a gift in this time period of being able to access parts of Self that have never been accessible to you before while you walked in a physical human body. The door to all of your other dimensional selves is beginning to open. Take advantage of this continued pause for once the pause is over life will indeed be very different and very busy.
There is none who is alive on this planet in the now moment who will remain untouched by the energies that are lovingly being showered upon your Earth as a gift to humanity. You who are aware of what is happening, I encourage you, accept this golden gift.
And yes, for those of you who I know are curious and are wondering, I will say that there is a direct connection between the golden gift, the golden light that is strongly flowing to you on the planet now, and this golden sun disk that has played a part in the awareness of a number of you, a number of you who do indeed know you are directly connected and your purpose is directly connected to this disk we have spoken of before that did not originate in the waters of Lake Titicaca but has been brought to this planet as a gift also. There is a direct connection. It is not the time for me to go into deeper depth and detail of this but again I would encourage those of you who are aware of your connection to simply allow, to invite further understanding to come to you, to be open to the messages that your own divine self will be bringing to you, whether through dreams or synchronicity of experience. There is far more to come on this subject.
In the now, I am flowing and acting as a conduit for this divine golden Christ consciousness energy that I bring with me today. You who are tuned in will likely not be in the slightest surprised when I tell you there is a direct connection between Christ consciousness, the golden sun disk, and the golden solar energies that are flowing to the planet in the now. These golden energies are going to greatly assist you in the continued raising of your frequency. This will be the doorway that you walk through to the personal interaction and communication that you desire, to the greater revelations of your own soul purpose that is so close upon you.
Each of you will find that the flowing of your own passion becomes more highly and finely tuned as you integrate these energies, as you move through this upcoming equinox, as the collective energies continue to build, and in particular as you go through the celestial events of eclipses and the June alignments and solstice still to come. Hold any plans that you make quite lightly for they are subject to change at a moment’s notice and all that changes is for your greater benefit. Each of you that I speak to is here to benefit the good of all upon this planet and this directly impacts the expansion of All That Is. I cannot tell you how grateful we who watch this grand experiment playing out are to those of you who have so willingly and generously volunteered to be the changemakers upon this planet. Well done, my dear and beloved friends! Well done!
There is, as always, so much more we could speak of and yet this is enough for this now moment. This evening as you visit the other dimensions in what seems to be your dream state, be aware that your body right down to the very cellular level is welcoming and integrating this golden light that is the Christ energy. You are wonderful manifestations, each of you, and representations of the living light of Christ on this planet. And this is about to explode into a collective light that this world and All That Is has never before witnessed. What a sight to behold! This is your purpose. Go well, my dear friends. Continue to walk in the light. Continue to shower all around you with the love that you are. It is why you are here.
I love you very dearly. And with that I will say, and so it is. Aloha. And Cead Mile Failte. ~ ~ ~
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