
I’ve read in several places that the total solar eclipse of July 11, 2010 may well be the most powerful day of the entire year of 2010. I don’t know if that is true or not, but I do know that we are poised to receive some potent energies with this celestial occurrence. This past week, on the 7/7, I encountered a new energy desiring to flow through me in conversation that I had not previously experienced. I invited it to come in and was delighted to find myself translating the energy of Ra, known as the sun god in ancient Egyptian times. It seemed quite fitting as a prelude for this eclipse.
As I transcribed this message and reconnected with this strong energy of the sun in doing so, I was reminded of a prayer that I was first introduced to in Ralph Blum’s Book of Runes many years ago. I was so taken by this prayer, called the Gayatri, that I spent several years starting my day with its recitation and the accompanying visualization. I will share it with you here. It is referenced in The Book of Runes under the rune of Sowelu, which signifies Wholeness, Life Force and The Sun's Energy.
From this book, page 140:
“Sowelu counsels opening yourself up, letting the light into a part of your life that has been kept secret, shut away. To accomplish this may call for a profound recognition, for admitting to yourself something that you have long denied.
There is a prayer, known as the Gayatri, that embodies the spirit of the Rune of Wholeness. Address the sun in this fashion:
You who are the source of all power,
Whose rays illuminate the world.
Illuminate also my heart,
So that it too can do Your work.
While reciting the Gayatri, visualize the sun’s rays streaming forth into the world, entering your heart then streaming out from your heart’s center and back into the world. This is a powerful and life-enhancing prayer. “
May this solar eclipse illuminate many hearts and open us all to the beauty of the Wholeness that we are.
~ ~ ~ Wednesday July 7, 2010
Ra: Greetings! I am the energy of your sun. I am the one you have known as Ra in what you would call ancient times, yet they are not ancient times to me. I am the energy that is the life giving force of your planet and of your universe. It is time to awaken once again ye Egyptians who have slumbered through many eons of time although you have indeed had many experiences.
It is time to remember so much of the ancient knowledge that you have allowed to become dormant within you. It is the time for awakening. It is the time for waking up this knowledge. You have a grand opportunity for this, for welcoming this, for inviting this with this eclipse of the sun that will be occurring on the 11th of July in your time. This is an extremely potent time for the planet. This eclipse is an intermingling of energies that will magnify your potentials. It is time for change on your planet. And there is very little doubt that most are aware of this already. It is time to remember the wisdom that was passed on to you in the early days of your living upon this planet, the days when you were in communication with those who were not physically residing upon your planet but who assisted in the beginnings of this new world as it was then from the stars and other realms.
Sun energy is vital life force energy. You are not remembering just how much this is so. As you move into your next cycle, your next phase of living on this planet as you who are on what you term this ascension journey continue to expand, you will find that it is of great benefit to you to begin to consciously work with the energy of the sun. And I am here today to say that this energy is not an inanimate or unconscious energy. The sun is a conscious being, as is everything in this universe. Be aware of this consciousness and begin to work with it. Begin to work with me. I am the sacred sun energy, and you are divine and sacred beings who are far more than human. I am the sacrament of the living upon this planet. Without my energy nothing would exist. You have the ability to take in my energy and allow the alchemy to occur that flows this vital life force through you in far grander fashion than you have allowed in a very, very long time upon your planet.
There are many in your ancient Egyptian mythology who are associated with Ra the Sun god…and indeed know that is not my only name, but it is a name that many, many of you are familiar with. Let us speak of Osiris in this moment…Osiris who was considered Lord of the Dead and of the underworld, but also Lord of the fertility of the land, the Lord who assisted with the cycles of growth and vegetation of the life giving plants, the one who was responsible for the cyclical flooding of the Nile River, which did indeed allow for the fertility of growth required. You will have the opportunity in the not too distant future to speak with the energy of the god, as you might call it in human terms, of water. This will be of assistance to you in your search for ways to purify what has been polluted in your waters. But today I speak to you of this energy of the sun and let us also speak of its symbolism.
Osiris has been compared to your Christ with the resurrection story. Resurrection energy surrounds both of these energies in many ways. It is no accident that the term for the Christ is the ‘son of God’ in so many religions. And s-o-n and s-u-n indeed in many ways are interchangeable with each other here. For those who grew up in the religion which espouses communion and plants a wafer on your tongue, this symbolism is not only of the son in the sense of the Christ. It is the sun in the sense of vital life force energy.
It is time to awaken now. It is time to know that we work together or indeed we have the capacity to work together, which has been forgotten. It is quite possible for you to heal all of your ills, it is quite possible for you to regain the vitality and the rejuvenation that you seek through interacting with this energy that you know as the sun.
Fear has been implanted in you by many. I will say that it is the potency of the energy of the sun that accelerates the tendency towards disease in those with energy blockages who are primed and in the place to develop what is known as skin cancer. This is not a direct result of exposure to sun. It is a magnification of the energy of dis-ease that is present, which is how all disease comes about. Do not fear the sun energy. It will be becoming more and more potent as you move forward, and so you must interact with it with wisdom and respect. And yet if you can release your fear, you will find that it indeed also may act as a gateway or a portal for you into new experiences for you in this lifetime, but ones that are familiar to you in the memories contained within your very DNA of what you have experienced previously.
Osiris is associated with Sirius. You are now in the month of July. You are indeed approaching the heliacal rising of your star Sirius…when Sirius rises in conjunction with the early morning sun. This was the Egyptian new year and it ushers in the very potent gateway of the Sirius stargate known as the Lion’s Gate. I encourage all to go within for direction as you approach this sacred time of year, this sacred time upon your planet, for instruction…personal instruction on how to utilize and interact with this energy that is so familiar to you and yet which has been, much as religion in many ways, used to control you, used to put fear into you.
Sun energy is the most potent life giving force in your universe. All of you in the deep recesses of your memory within your DNA have the remembering of how you have indeed worked with this energy previously in other lifetimes and other incarnations and indeed in other places than just upon this Earth. But you are residing upon this Earth in the now and so I wish to point you in the direction of the healing not only of your physical human bodies but the healing of your planet, the healing of this Earth can and will come about through utilization of this sun energy as you know it and as you call it.
Your solar eclipse is a wake up invitation. Spend it wisely. It is a day for much internal communication and communion. And allow the energy of this great solar entity and being that so dearly loves you to be a part of your own opening. Invite this in.
I would be willing to entertain a question or two specific to the solar eclipse or what I have spoken of if there are any in your now moment.
Participant: I’m not sure how to phrase this, but you’ve spoken of being able to tap into our knowledge and the wisdom of the past that we’ve experienced. Do you have any suggestions in terms of how one might go about that other than what you said about going internally? I’m not much into processes. You know, standing on your head and pointing to Mecca or something. (laughter) But nonetheless, is there something that we can do that would help us individually tap into some of that wisdom and knowledge?
Ra: Many are drawn to what they term meditation. I am not saying that meditation is a necessity. I am saying that inner quiet, inner stillness, and filtering out the distractions of the world around you, which is not always easy for many who are immersed in the chaotic energies of what you term 3D living on this planet, is. Those of you who have been seeking this expansion, seeking this ascension as you call it, for so long now, have become better at disconnecting from the chaotic energy. So I would encourage you to spend…whether you call it quiet time, stillness or meditation…spend this time in sunlight. For many on this planet who live in this northern hemisphere, it is your time of summer when sun energy is readily available to you. You are not meant to overdose yourselves on this. You are not meant to burn yourselves with this powerful potent energy, but so many have learned to fear the sun. So many slather themselves in sunscreen to block the rays simply when they spend 10 minutes outdoors under the sun. I would encourage you to move away from this fear. Be prudent. There is wisdom in your skin biology. Some of you can soak up much more sun than others. Some of you can take in far less than others, and I refer to the one who is giving voice to my words in the now. (laughter) She is quite aware that her soaking up of the sun does not result in the brown skin you call a tan! And yet, she loves the sun. So you see, you must each find your personal absorbability rate you might say. You can increase this, even those of you with fair pale skin, but it must be done in increments. You need the sunlight. You are very aware that your scientists have discovered what they call Vitamin D which is made in your bodies. This is much like photosynthesis. This process requires sunlight to manufacture this very important element within your body. And you are aware that those in the parts of the world where sunshine is not readily available at certain times of the year can frequently suffer from a disorder that is directly caused by a diminished exposure to sunlight. So to answer your question I would say start with becoming consciously aware that you have the ability to interact with the energy of the sun. It is not, as I have said, an inanimate something upon your planet. It is a living, life force giving being that wishes to interact with you. As you do this and take this still time in the sunlight, you’ll find that this assists you in opening up the portals within your biology and within your DNA that hold the memories. You do not need to stand on your head and point towards Mecca. (laughter) And yet you will find that as you consciously seek this communion, you will feel directions come from within yourself. This is what I would tell you to listen to. If you feel the pull to immerse yourself in water at the same time that you are communing with the energy of the sunlight, follow that guidance. Follow that pull. It has been said to you previously in conversations that the alchemy that you desire is quite frequently catalyzed by light and by water, and I would have to add that your crystal beings, your friends of the crystal kingdom, are quite potent assistors in this process if you can engage their assistance as you work with the light and the water energy, even if you do not immerse yourselves physically in water…though there is indeed much power in sunlight and ocean, which is a bit more potent than the sunlight in lake waters or rivers, and yet all water energy will assist.
There is a coalescence that occurs with sunlight and water that is waiting to be tapped into. Your crystal beings share a common denominator with both the sun energy and the water energy. And so as you interact with crystals, particularly crystals in sunlight and crystals immersed in water, it will assist you in activating the crystalline light and water energy within your own biology. This is what will catalyze your own remembering. This is what will assist you in initiating this opening that you so desire. As will this very potent energy upcoming with your solar eclipse. I encourage all with this eclipse to find a way to consciously interact with the sun and eclipse energies. Many of you are not going to be able to see it with your physical eyes…the eclipse simply does not work that way on your planet with the logistics of what is happening…yet the energy is felt everywhere on your planet. It would be a good day to do something to consciously mark this event. To celebrate, yes! Party, yes! But party in communion with your own soul, for your soul is so much bigger than what is contained in your physical biology. Your soul connects you to the energy of the sun. It connects you to all the other realms that you have experienced life on. And so much of this life has been connected to that of sun energy.
And for all those pale skinned beings who do not have the pigmentation so it seems to absorb as much of the energy as others with darker skin do, I would say to you be aware that your relationship with the sun is changing, just as your biology is changing. This does not mean you will immediately be able to spend many hours in direct sunlight when you have never been able to do this before, but it does mean that you will begin increasing your ability to expose yourself to the sun. And be aware that in many ways those of you with the pale skin that burns so easily…you have chosen this particular biology in some ways as a safeguard for you because your inner receptors to sunlight are so sensitive that you could easily…how to say it?...incinerate your circuitry energetically, with too much exposure! And so trust what you have chosen for your biology in this lifetime. As you are aware, you have all been many different races. You have all been many different skin colors. You have all had different degrees of being able to absorb sunlight in your different incarnations, all with good reason…all with purpose.
Embrace who you are in this now moment, both in biology and in the bigger picture of all of your soul level experiences. It is on the energy of the sun that you flow so many of those rivers of energy streams that you have come to know. Several of those present here today were blessed with the symbol of a kestrel as you call it, a Merlin hawk flying by the other day. Are you aware that while this particular hawk is associated with Merlin, the hawk is also a symbol of Osiris which directly would then flow back to being connected to the energy of Ra…the energy of the sun?
You might say that your Merlin is indeed a part of the flow of the energy of the sun god. When this Voice I speak through first began being able to feel the energy of this one who is now called Merlin, she identified this one as a ‘White Light Being.’ That is not an accident. There is much white light connected with the sun and much white light that flows through this one you know as Merlin. Much white light flows through the energy you are communicating with in this now moment of time.
And so you see as you open to your own communication, interaction, and merging with the energy of the sun, it will assist in opening up your own ability to feel and identify the different energy streams that make up you…the different energy streams that you yourself flow. All of you flow the energy of the sun. You simply have not been aware of the manner in which this works. You have not, most have not, been aware of the sun as a living entity. As you move forward individually and as a planet, your relationship and association with the sun will have increasing importance. And those of you who are ready to begin working with me, who are ready to begin allowing my energy to assist in your awakening, you will find that this energy is the gateway to the new world you have been seeking. It is called the Golden Era, is it not?...the Golden Age that is upon you? Well, you have white light and you have golden light. Golden light is very much a part of the energy that I emanate also. Just think of your sunset on the water…that golden light…that magical mingling of sun and water energy. This is what you are opening to. This is what you are moving into. Embrace it. Celebrate it.
Is there anything else?
Participant: I would just offer up my gratitude and appreciation for the message today. I find it a paradox that the very thing that people fear in sunlight is the very thing that will lead them to the Golden Era. I find that to be a very interesting paradox and I appreciate you sharing that. And I also would like to acknowledge my appreciation for the Voice today. So thank you very much…both of you!
Ra: And we both appreciate your acknowledgement and thanks. You are very dearly loved. I would add with what you have said…there is so much upon your planet that is a paradox. This is part of duality in so many ways. But what you have feared, what you have been taught to fear, what you have been programmed to fear, will indeed be your source of liberation when you allow it to be so. It is quite true that there will come a time when your human biology will not need to ingest food products as you know them in order to generate energy, in order to maintain vitality in biology. The time is approaching where all of your requirements for nourishing and energizing your biology may be met through interaction with sun energy. Now most are not there yet, and yet…
Participant: There was a thing on the news recently about this guy in India who claims he hadn’t eaten for 10 or 20 years.
Ra: It is not just a claim.
Participant: Well…I’m using it in the vernacular of the news media. I don’t doubt that that is the case but the media was all over it for a little while that this guy hadn’t had any food for many years, so…he’s an example of what you speak of.
Ra: He is an example of what is quite possible and what is the potential for many. So many of your problems upon the planet, many of which stem from what you call overpopulation and those living in poverty never having enough to eat…so many of these problems can be solved, eradicated, by approaching them from a different perspective. There was once a great man upon your planet who put forth the idea that problems cannot be solved by the same thinking that created the problem.
And so you see, you’re shifting paradigms quickly, some of you, those who are aware that it is time to shift and are at the forefront of it. Many others are unaware that there is a shift going on at all. They are simply aware that their lives are in chaos and it seems the world is falling apart. And yet you are poised to transition from one world to the next, from one paradigm to another, and I encourage you to continue to move in this direction.
Be aware that there is a time coming when those of you who do indeed allow yourselves to move beyond the programmed and conditioned thinking that has been what the majority on the planet experience, you will find that the solutions come easily and readily and the sun is indeed an energy to be called upon to assist in eradicating world hunger upon your planet. But it also must come in conjunction with an opening in consciousness of the masses. This will take time in your world, in the manner that you live, and allow it to be so. Those of you who are moving forward in consciousness are moving forward at a very rapid rate and sometimes you get so frustrated that things don’t move faster, but a part of that is so that you do not upset the balance on the planet. If you moved too quickly into the new paradigm, there could be some consequences that might not benefit all if it happens too quickly. So trust the process of what you are going through. Trust where you are in your experience. And indeed, I encourage all to be awake and aware of the potency and the power of what is being gifted to you with this eclipse on Sunday. Make use of it. It is a sacred day, and treat it accordingly. With that I will say I would very much enjoy continuing to work with those who are interested and open to this through this particular Voice, through this particular translator of energy, and to continue to interact consciously with those of you who desire this forward movement into the Golden Age and Golden Era.
Participant: Would it be appropriate to call you Ra? Would that be acceptable?
Ra: It is quite acceptable. Another name will come. It is the name that encompasses more than just the Egyptian era…but it was during the Egyptian era that most of you were most connected to this energy, and so Ra is most appropriate.
It is a beautiful day here today. Interact with this energy I represent, that I flow. Remember it is vital life force giving energy. Enjoy this solar eclipse…communicate with me in your heart, and let this be the beginning of a wonderful association you might say. There will be more to come.
I will withdraw a bit of my energy now, but you know I am all around you, even when you cannot see me. My energy is still there. Tune in and tap in to this energy.
I will use your greeting and say Aloha! ~ ~ ~
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